I’m glad to have had this time with Harry and Severus, too.
Title: Of Cousins, Landslides, and Broken Bones
| 11 Jan 2022 6:34 pm
Reviewer: cavehack (Signed)
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This was unique and wonderful! I loved the pseudonyms and the offbeat premise.
Title: Of Cousins, Landslides, and Broken Bones
| 24 Aug 2017 12:11 pm
Reviewer: Avaya29 (Signed)
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This is great. I love cheerful!Harry and the banter between the two of them is excellent. A very well-constructed story.
Title: Of Cousins, Landslides, and Broken Bones
| 06 Jun 2016 5:44 am
Reviewer: shadowienne (Anonymous)
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Very interesting twist on the usual Harry/Snape relationship! I like the "it's all in the name" approach, and the "allergy" between the scar and the Dark Mark is entirely unique in my reading, too. Well done!
Title: Of Cousins, Landslides, and Broken Bones
| 22 Dec 2012 10:15 pm
Reviewer: Outlawgal (Signed)
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Awww I like it very much. Perfect ending to and awsome one-shot
Title: Of Cousins, Landslides, and Broken Bones
| 05 Jun 2012 12:25 am
Reviewer: little-sun (Signed)
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Title: Of Cousins, Landslides, and Broken Bones
| 06 Jun 2011 3:39 pm
Reviewer: 1sunfun (Signed)
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Title: Of Cousins, Landslides, and Broken Bones
| 06 Jan 2011 5:56 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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Lovely piece if only it could have bee like that!
Title: Of Cousins, Landslides, and Broken Bones
| 05 Jan 2011 3:54 am
Reviewer: Jyllian (Signed)
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Wow, I totally loved this, so mysterious, so intense, kept me right till the end.
Title: Of Cousins, Landslides, and Broken Bones
| 21 Nov 2009 10:36 am
Reviewer: halfblood (Signed)
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Loved these bits: “Really? I thought you taught Sarcasm and Insults.”
They both relaxed, then looked at her with embarrassment, hastily separating their hands. “Well, don’t look at me,” she said, “ I always take care of myself.”
Your style of writing is great. Really funny and sad at the same time