Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: So it begins 30 May 2006 12:40 am
Reviewer: Timberlou22 (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Wow, that was a beautifuly written story. The characters were very truthful to their personalities, I loved it.
Title: The Invitation 29 May 2006 1:47 pm
Reviewer: Fan_Reader (Anonymous) [Report This]

    Nice! *insert grin*

    "The classroom door banged open to Professor Binns room, starting everyone out of their bored stupor, either violently, rudely, or unwelcomingly—if not all three." Gotta love that style. ;)


Title: So it begins 29 Mar 2006 1:05 am
Reviewer: lilsis (Anonymous) [Report This]

    Why did you change this from the original version.  This one seems broken up.  some of the facts are confusing if the other version hadn't been read.  Two examples I can think of are Neville being sent to Pomphry for expierience in healing, and Harry freezing up after being told by Snape to think of Potions as breaking a curse.

    In the original, there is a conversation between Harry and Neville about Nev. wanting to go into healing. Then there is Harry thinking about being a Curse breaker.  In this version the background information isn't there.

    Author's Response: Haven't gotten through the whole version yet, that's why. It's unfortunate but life caught up with me right in the middle so its scattered at the moment. I'm working feverishly in spare time to remedy it but its a Senior's life for me, last semster. Heh.
Title: Harry's Project 19 Mar 2006 7:03 am
Reviewer: SHEla WOLFsbane (Signed) [Report This]

    What's up with his 'trick knee'?  I thought it was his hand that was bad.  And so bad that he couldn't really play quiditch?  I might have missed something- if so could you please tell me where?

    SHEla WOLFsbane

    Author's Response: SOOO sorry. I was revising it and got caught up in life and haven't gone back to revising it. After Harry's detention with Snape, where the man gives him the gloves, and then the morning after--that's where I stopped. I'm SOOO sorry.
Title: Rolling Dice 19 Mar 2006 4:57 am
Reviewer: SHEla WOLFsbane (Signed) [Report This]

    Good chapter but I just couldn't help but vision Snape as Wesley of the Princess Bride during the bridge scene with the whole, "or in Snape’s case, lolling his head to the side" thing.  Sorry, but it was cute, and it worked. 

Title: Rolling Dice 19 Mar 2006 4:44 am
Reviewer: SHEla WOLFsbane (Signed) [Report This]
    Yup- anyone who has ever had a good dose of adrenaline knows the feeling...  "He was too far into all that happened, the rush, the adrenaline, and the fear of death to feel the pain, but he was sure it was going to come back and bite him on the arse.
Title: Lost Dates 19 Mar 2006 4:26 am
Reviewer: SHEla WOLFsbane (Signed) [Report This]

    I held off on reading this until it was complete.  Now I don't know why I did that.  To answer your question: yes I like it. 

    Next chapters here I come!

Title: The Dursley's Letter 16 Mar 2006 2:28 am
Reviewer: StarCrunch (Anonymous) [Report This]

    I've noticed no one yet has reviewed this story. I don't know why. I'm on chapter 16 so far and it's awesome!

     Great Job! :) I'm really loving it.

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