Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Until Proven Innocent 31 Mar 2006 9:22 am
Reviewer: wynnleaf (Signed) [Report This]
    Great story!
Title: Until Proven Innocent 31 Mar 2006 8:23 am
Reviewer: Jan_AQ (Signed) [Report This]

    Whooo!!! :D Great! Wow, really great. I love how Harry was able to construct his answers in the courtroom to tell the truth- the way you as an author structured the proceeding to get to the topic of Voldemort was GREAT! Good job. :) I love the ending. I'm glad that now people will believe Harry. But why was Harry having problems stating his age? Was he trying to say no? Is he really 16?

    Thanks so much for writing and sharing! Awesome job.

Title: Until Proven Innocent 31 Mar 2006 12:56 am
Reviewer: animealam (Signed) [Report This]
    This was just wonderful! You kept them both in character, and the way Harry managed to tell them the truth was... perfect.
Title: Until Proven Innocent 31 Mar 2006 12:53 am
Reviewer: Bratling (Signed) [Report This]
    *claps* well done!
Title: Until Proven Innocent 31 Mar 2006 12:21 am
Reviewer: pdantzler (Signed) [Report This]

    Good chapter. I like the feeling you give - flowing freely and easily along. My one complaint is Harry's attitude in Azkaban. Considering how he freaked out with the dementors in the third book and a little in the first of the fifth book, I expected him to react much more strongly to their presence in the prison. Quite literally, these things are his worst nightmare, and he should panic at least a little when going to a prison full of them.

    I like your writing and look forward to more from you.

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