Title: Defeated, Yet Far From Defeated
| 12 Sep 2006 8:36 am
Reviewer: Visitor (Anonymous)
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Title: Defeated, Yet Far From Defeated
| 09 Sep 2006 5:07 pm
Reviewer: Rezallia (Anonymous)
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I wish I could meet you-- I think we'd get along quite well. :) And, as a side note (that shouldn't in all rights be called a side note since it particularly pertains to this review) I loved this! It was splendidly odd.
Title: Defeated, Yet Far From Defeated
| 16 Jul 2006 6:44 pm
Reviewer: carvell (Anonymous)
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intresting although a few speels would have gone down nicely sometimes useing your fists is much better good story and well written
*squeals* I'm totally in love with you for writing this. SO much fun. I love it. Harry and Snape really need to fight it all out in the books-entertaining for us, productive for them. I commend you!
Title: Defeated, Yet Far From Defeated
| 03 Apr 2006 10:01 pm
Reviewer: cathy e p (Signed)
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good you could almost build a story off that !!
Title: Defeated, Yet Far From Defeated
| 02 Apr 2006 12:42 pm
Reviewer: catti666 (Anonymous)
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Hahaha, what a brilliant idea! I guess it really would work with them, pity Rowling didn't write it... Myself I believe that good row set a lot of things many times. I really like your ideas, please write something more!
Title: Defeated, Yet Far From Defeated
| 01 Apr 2006 12:04 pm
Reviewer: Achilles (Anonymous)
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Woah. Bloody hell. That was really good. Remember remember the fifth of November. I really want to see V for Vendetta. Yeah, random. Anyway, great story. I really liked it. It was bound to happen sometime.
Title: Defeated, Yet Far From Defeated
| 01 Apr 2006 12:01 am
Reviewer: Jan_AQ (Signed)
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Wow, great. I loved the fighting. Lovely work! :)