Title: Prologue
| 03 Apr 2006 4:02 pm
Reviewer: phantomsgirl04 (Anonymous)
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This is an interesting beginning-most fics such as these start with SEVERUS rescuing Harry from the Dursleys-it was nice to see Dumbledore going (although Minerva had to prod)
What struck me about this chapter is the interaction between Dumbledore and young Harry. It was a slow build-up, and I like that you explained things slowly rather than 'Dumbledore appearing, sees Harry all covered in blood, and leaves' kind of thing. Good job! I hope to see more of this!
Author's Response: Thank you for the review, I'm really glad you enjoyed it. I always find those stories rather unrealistic so I purposely tried to nod do that. Thanks again for the review.
Author's Response: Thanks for the review! I'm so glad you enjoyed it. I find the kind of story you described unrealistic so I tried to go into it slowly. Thanks again for the review!