Title: Chapter Thirty-Two: Descent
| 18 Aug 2005 3:15 pm
Reviewer: Glorfindel (Anonymous)
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Very, very interesting! Lupin missing, Harry missing.Please continue!
Title: Chapter Thirty-One: Pain
| 10 Aug 2005 2:16 am
Reviewer: Lydia (Anonymous)
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This is a good story so far, at first i wasn't for sure that snape was truely on harry's side,but not im pretty sure that he is. I am abit unsure about draco though and ginny. Why can't harry find out that lupin didn't really betray him? please continue this and update again soon.
Title: Chapter Eight: Password
| 03 Aug 2005 1:09 pm
Reviewer: Glorfindel (Anonymous)
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I really like the quotes at the beginning of each chapter.
Title: Chapter Thirty: Agents
| 26 Jul 2005 2:56 pm
Reviewer: A. Austein (Anonymous)
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Just had the opportunity to read this story and it is absolutely brilliant.
Title: Chapter Thirty: Agents
| 04 Jul 2005 12:47 am
Reviewer: Serena (Signed)
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Wow. How much more can poor Harry take? Amazing story.
Now I'm off to check out your fictionpress story :)
Title: Chapter Nineteen: Trustworthiness
| 03 Jul 2005 10:51 pm
Reviewer: Serena (Signed)
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Excellent story. Every chapter sucks me into it deeper and deeper. But when will Harry learn to not trust the Daily Prophet? It contantly spouts wrong things about him, yet he trusts it when it comes to other people? Why doesn't he talk to Remus about the quote to see if that was really what he said? You're brewing some great plot twists here. Goblins, Snape, Remus.... I must read the rest of the chapters.
Title: Chapter Twenty: Success
| 30 Jun 2005 5:43 pm
Reviewer: Glor (Anonymous)
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I really like this story! I am suprised no one is reviewing it. I really like the quotes at the beginning of each chapter.
Title: Chapter Thirty: Agents
| 22 May 2005 11:22 pm
Reviewer: Miss Insane (Anonymous)
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Good chapter I like. Can't wait to read more. :) :)
Title: Chapter Twenty-Nine: Weasleys
| 16 May 2005 1:54 am
Reviewer: Miss Insane (Anonymous)
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I like it. I think that things could get out of hand like that. Can't wait to read more. update soon. :) :)