Title: Chapter Seventeen: Happy Christmas, you prat.
| 03 Aug 2007 8:14 pm
Reviewer: jharad17 (Signed)
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Oh, this story is a wicked load of fun! Good on you for getting it going again. Looking forward to more . . .
I thought this was absolutely priceless when I first read it:
'Harry grinned cheekily, dropping into one of the tiny, plastic chairs at the table. "Come and sit," he invited graciously, pointing to a yellow chair that had a Winnie the Pooh sticker stuck to the back.
"Five points from Gryffindor," said Snape stiffly...'
Wonderful rapport between Harry and Snape!
Nice start to the story. I get hints that the explanation is not as simple as it seems on the surface. Poor Harry's cupboard was a little creepy, but I'm glad that we aren't going to get terribly beaten!Harry in this story.
Title: Chapter 16: Of BigMacs and Magpies
| 07 May 2007 11:09 am
Reviewer: Arualcopia (Signed)
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I saw the title of the story and I was like... what's this? I haven't seen it before. Then I looked at the chapter titles and got all confused... lol. So you've renamed your fic eh? I've read this chapter before, somewhere, I think more than once... It's good everytime though. (But I want a new chapter T_T, please?)
Author's Response: Haha, yes. The other title was supposed to be temporary, but I never got around to renaming it. Glad it's so enjoyable, lol.
Title: Chapter 16: Of BigMacs and Magpies
| 22 Apr 2007 11:39 am
Reviewer: Amethyst (Anonymous)
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So glad you updated :D
Atleast Harry gets to interact with other people other than Snape.
Great chapter.
Title: Chapter 16: Of BigMacs and Magpies
| 21 Apr 2007 7:18 pm
Reviewer: wynnleaf (Signed)
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I've been reading this elsewhere, but just wanted to say that in my opinion your writing gets better and better. Your Spinners End chapters recently have been excellent.
Title: Chapter Fifteen: The Brummy Brigade
| 19 Apr 2007 9:36 pm
Reviewer: chmcm (Signed)
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I am glad to see the update. It is an interesting storyline and I like the characterizations of Snape and Harry. Please update again soon.
Title: Chapter Fifteen: The Brummy Brigade
| 18 Apr 2007 4:23 am
Reviewer: miss june (Anonymous)
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I am so glad you decided to update again. It has been a long time coming. Wow, i forgot how dark this fic was. I am going to go back an re-read it, i actually forgot a little of what is going on. The teenagers saying thier last names like that was pretty funny. I am lloking forward to many more updates.. yes??
Title: Chapter Fourteen: Her Boyfriend's Potter
| 02 Apr 2007 10:18 pm
Reviewer: chmcm (Signed)
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I have missed your updates. I hope that you will continue the story.
Title: Chapter Seven: To Be Named
| 31 Mar 2007 4:27 am
Reviewer: JMGodfreyIII (Anonymous)
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haha cereal stealing leprechauns, youve induced side-splitting laughter with that last line :)