more please. this is a good story. i want to find out what happens next in it. :)
Title: Chapter Seventeen: Happy Christmas, you prat.
| 10 Aug 2011 7:37 pm
Reviewer: Slegend (Signed)
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I love your story! You have really kept Snape canon, and I like that. I really hope you will continue the story! It is quite good!
Title: Chapter Seventeen: Happy Christmas, you prat.
| 27 Jan 2011 9:02 pm
Reviewer: Narrrchen (Anonymous)
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I'll do about anything for an update. Seriously, something inside me will die if this won't be continued. By far my favourite Harry Potter fanfic.
Author's Response: Oh man, I will try and muster up the discipline to sit and hammer out another chapter!
Title: Chapter Seventeen: Happy Christmas, you prat.
| 27 Apr 2010 1:23 pm
Reviewer: IchigoMirai (Signed)
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this is really really good!!
Title: Chapter Seventeen: Happy Christmas, you prat.
| 23 Jan 2009 3:52 pm
Reviewer: Rhiannan (Anonymous)
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I LOVE the bit with the crocodile. That was fantastic!!
Title: Chapter Seventeen: Happy Christmas, you prat.
| 18 Nov 2008 2:59 am
Reviewer: Tanya (Anonymous)
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Hey, are you going to continue? The story is SO GOOD, that it is DIFFICULT to wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Chapter Seventeen: Happy Christmas, you prat.
| 27 Oct 2008 6:44 am
Reviewer: Ketty (Anonymous)
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Your fic is great!
I've just read it and... well it's really very good.
And when will there be new chapters? =))))
I have never reviewed this story on potionsandsnitches before, but I have on
Anyway, other then wondering when you planned on updating this story ;) I wanted to let you know again that I absolutely love it. Your Harry is wonderful sarcastic at times while being absolutely adorable at others.
I also thought Snape's present was priceless.
I think my favorite chapter, however, was the one where they go to the small little market and Snape smakes him upside the head. Not to mention their reactions to the rotten can of sausages. LOL.
Anyway, great story and please update soon.
Title: Chapter Seventeen: Happy Christmas, you prat.
| 05 Sep 2007 10:22 am
Reviewer: FoxxNyara (Signed)
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I'm really, really enjoying your story thus far. I like that you've kept Snape his usual grouchy self, rather than have him fall all over Harry and declare him the love of his life. They've obviously got some massive rearranging to do with their relationship, and I'm glad that it's not easy on either of them. I absolutely loved the crocodile, wish I could have one! I'm looking forward to the next chapter, write faster!! :)
Title: Chapter Seventeen: Happy Christmas, you prat.
| 31 Aug 2007 10:59 pm
Reviewer: ttlyWitching (Signed)
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this is quite honestly one of the most well-developed snape/harry stories i've ever read. i love how you didn't make them insta-loving, as most people tend to do, and kept snape in character. your plot is good and has no holes i can find. keep updating, it's so good!