Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For The Missing
Title: The Missing 03 Nov 2024 11:17 am
Reviewer: Vemanuelle (Signed) [Report This]


Title: The Missing 19 Jul 2011 6:14 pm
Reviewer: ImUpToNoGood (Signed) [Report This]
    Lovely. With the Map in Severus' hands, perhaps someone can find Barty BEFORE the third task?
Title: The Missing 11 Jun 2011 1:15 pm
Reviewer: 1sunfun (Signed) [Report This]
Title: The Missing 02 Aug 2007 1:25 pm
Reviewer: gonnabefamous (Signed) [Report This]
    Aww! I liked that so much--very well done! That definitely put a smile on my face; thanks for the read =)

    Author's Response: Aw, thank you! It could probably use a re-write but I'm not one to turn down flattering comments. Thanks again!
Title: The Missing 01 Nov 2006 4:21 pm
Reviewer: dianehc (Signed) [Report This]

    Yeah, I've wanted to see it too, so this worked for me. Liked it alot. Ta.

    Author's Response: Thanks very much!
Title: The Missing 25 Oct 2006 3:19 pm
Reviewer: Carrie (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I wanted Harry to get caught also!  In fact, every time in the books when Harry almost get's caught by Snape, I wanted it to happen, so great job with this!

    Author's Response: Thank you! We're all such sadistic gits, aren't we? =P
Title: The Missing 26 May 2006 6:53 pm
Reviewer: Jan_AQ (Signed) [Report This]
    Woot! Great little one-shot. :) I loved the little bit of wisdom Snape imparted to Harry. Poor Harry though, Snape confiscated his map and cloak! If I were Harry, I'd try to steal them back. :P

    Author's Response: lol interesting idea! Apparently this one-shot seemed unfinished, I may have to add a chapter or two, I'm undecided and might bring that into consideration. Thank you for the review!
Title: The Missing 26 May 2006 3:20 pm
Reviewer: win (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Wow great start.
    Keep going this is a great start
    to an interesting story.
    Update soon.

    Author's Response: Thanks very much ^_^ But I'm afraid this is going to remain a one-shot ... I think lol. Whoa, I have a strong risolve, don't I?

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