Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Initial Inferno 09 Jun 2006 2:18 am
Reviewer: SiriuslyMental (Signed) [Report This]
    Please update soon. They were both very in character, and I really want to know what happens. I love the line about the door being a friend that betrayed Harry.

    Author's Response: I wondered if anyone was going to mention that. It's definitely one of my personal favourites. Thanks bunches for reviewing!
Title: Initial Inferno 08 Jun 2006 3:28 pm
Reviewer: sunsethill (Signed) [Report This]

    I am quite looking forward to this one.  I especially liked this line:

    a flash of raging obsidian meeting Harry's emerald.

    This comparison of eyes is quite common, but I liked the flow of the description and using just the color to define the eyes.

    Author's Response: I thought that, but then again, there is a reason so many people use it. Eyes are the windows to the soul, after all. Thanks very much, I hope you'll stick with it and that is reaches your expectations!
Title: Initial Inferno 08 Jun 2006 2:36 pm
Reviewer: Fairycatcher1 (Signed) [Report This]

    Author's Response:

    Thanks! ^_^

Title: Initial Inferno 08 Jun 2006 11:33 am
Reviewer: Amaruk Wolfheart (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Ha ha HAH! I revel in the insanity! ^_^ Poor dear Snape. This is sheer torture. I love it! Particularly the ending of this chapter. I can't wait to see where this goes! ^_~

    Author's Response: Though this be madness, yet there is method in 't. Hamlet, Act 2 Scene 2. Thanks very much ^_^ I liked the ending as well lol, despite how arrogant that sounds. It felt right to stop there. I had carried on but ... yeah lol. Thanks again!
Title: Initial Inferno 07 Jun 2006 10:40 pm
Reviewer: Jan_AQ (Signed) [Report This]
    Hahahaha!!! That was GREAT! I loved how Dumbledore just clicked the door closed and then just matter of factly informed them that they were to be locked up until further notice. XD Poor Harry, poor Snape! I think that I'm enjoying Snape's reactions so much more than Harry's. He's such a wild card in this story, I totally did not expect him to Sectumsempra that desk and chair!! Now, what will Harry do to sleep? Great job so far! Really enjoying it. :)

    Author's Response:

    Rather anticlimactic, wasn't it? lol it made me laugh - and I swear I hadn't seen X-Men; The Last Stand when I wrote that. That was just a rather scary coincidence. Great to hear ^_^ Hope it continues to entertain!

Title: Initial Inferno 07 Jun 2006 10:26 pm
Reviewer: Silver Americana (Anonymous) [Report This]

    "So, what, you've decided sanity isn't in fashion this spring?"

    My god, that is the most wonderful line in a story I have ever read, I have no idea why, but believe me, i'm gonna use it myself now.

    Please more?  Such a great start. 

    Author's Response:

    lol thanks so much! I'm just >.< amazed! The most wonderful EVER? Seriously? lol. I like you :D Think I'll slap a copyright on it ;P Great to hear! I hope I continue to do so in future chapters.

Title: Initial Inferno 07 Jun 2006 10:14 pm
Reviewer: Arualcopia (Signed) [Report This]
    This was so entertaining, I loved it. It was hilarious to read as well and I can't wait for an update.

    Author's Response: Thanks very much ^_^ I never intended it to be humour lol but come to think of it, how could it not be? I mean Snape and Harry. Alone. Together. All Hell'd break loose lol.
Title: Initial Inferno 07 Jun 2006 9:30 pm
Reviewer: MaireadInish (Signed) [Report This]

    <chortle> "...you've decided sanity isn't in fashion this spring?"  That is so going in my quotationary.

     Looking forward to more fun!

    Author's Response: lol quotationary, I love that. I might have to steal that word. Tit for tat. I'm so chuffed I wasn't the only one who found that line funny ^_^ Thanks so much!

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