Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Willing
Title: Willing 24 Feb 2007 4:22 pm
Reviewer: Harriverse (Anonymous) [Report This]
    A very insightful Snape. Isn't it a shame that wisdom comes with age--or doesn't come at all.
Title: Willing 18 Dec 2006 12:30 pm
Reviewer: Jan_AQ (Signed) [Report This]
    loved it! I liked a lot that the self harm was accidental. LosingHermione and all the Weasley's, I think is enough to destroy Harry. I think i'd have liked to see a little more of that. This was a great one-shot. thanks for sharing!
Title: Willing 19 Nov 2006 8:28 pm
Reviewer: Karen (Anonymous) [Report This]
    It was really nice-though it would have been better a bit longer.  Thanks
Title: Willing 10 Jul 2006 2:29 pm
Reviewer: wolfawaken@aol.com (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I hope more chapters will be incured in this story. This story feels like more is to be said
Title: Willing 08 Jul 2006 10:08 pm
Reviewer: rosiegirl (Signed) [Report This]
    Too bad it's a one-shot.  More of this would be great
Title: Willing 07 Jul 2006 3:51 pm
Reviewer: Kateri (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Lovely story
Title: Willing 07 Jul 2006 10:22 am
Reviewer: Spiorad (Anonymous) [Report This]

    Good job! The interaction was great and very believable and Harry and Snape were both very much in cannon. Its to bad this is a one-shot! :'(

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