Title: The Explanations
| 14 Mar 2007 8:55 pm
Reviewer: Harriverse (Anonymous)
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Not a flame!!! The lights going out and Silas waking to see his mother was fast paced, but I hope you explain how the Chimera got in and he was hurt. That was so sad about Mikey, but even if he was accidental magic, why did he demand Severus hand Silas over? The rest made sense, but that demand still rings as out of place. Great plot development.
Author's Response: Yes, I realize it doesn't make sense. This plot line will be going over the next couple of chapters or so, and by the end, all your questions will be revealed. Well, the Chimera thing probably won't be explained for awhile, because I'm not touching that plotline until . . . Silas/Harry's third year. *sigh* Amazingly, I have it all (Well, most) planned out. Even why Mikey was acting strange. Not everything has been revealed yet :) What happened when Silas blanked out will also be explained next chapter.
Hint: I leave small clues throughout the chapters, but you have to look closely. I'm glad you like the story!