Hmm...Severus definitely does seem to both like & care for his little brother. Although I do think that how he behaves towards Silas when in company of others to when they are alone seems to confuse the poor lad.
I do think that Severus might have underestimated just how much social and emotional damage the neglect (child abuse) has actually done to Silas. Which is why it may take Silas a very long time to truly believe that Severus will never hurt him or send him away!
Title: The Gathering
| 27 Dec 2010 12:58 pm
Reviewer: Kristi (Anonymous)
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Great story! Please update soon!
great story, its very unique so far, I can't wait to see what happens next. I hope Sirius and Remus will stick around and play bigger roles.
Aww! Harry's got godparents now, and Lucius and Narcissa seem to be actually very nice, and Draco too! That makes me so happy! And Severus is a good brother...a bit sour at times, but he hadn't expected this at all! And I like his protectivness when Dumbles came. And he's not very clingy and lets Harry - Silas do what he wants. And Silas likes potions! XD Too cute! Very very good!
Oh my goodness! Well, I've never read a story where Severus is Harry's brother, but all I can say is wow! This is very interesting and I find myself just fascinated with it! And although it concerns me a little that Sev is so tight with the Malfoys and making them Silas's (great name by the way) godparents, I can't wait to know more! But it's past bedtime and I have classes to go to tomorrow, but you can expect me to review again. Very good!!
Title: The Brothers
| 30 Jul 2009 10:06 pm
Reviewer: Mimzy630 (Anonymous)
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This is getting quite good. And will the child have something to do in the future?
Title: The Gathering
| 26 May 2008 8:09 pm
Reviewer: Elfwyn (Anonymous)
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Nice chapter, I like your explanation of two cores, but wouldn't the split have been caused by Voldemort instead of Mikey, however, with Harry being at the Dursleys' no one would have cared or noted his personality changes if he had any.
Title: The Gathering
| 22 May 2008 6:49 am
Reviewer: Amazonka (Anonymous)
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It is very nice!!! and can I ask you when will continued?
very interesting about harry/silas, i'm surprised he hasn't gone mad with having someone else in him but harry/silas isn't evil at the moment but i hope it gets sorted, i hope severus takes in draco for the month as draco will be all alone