Title: The Next Great Adventure
| 27 Jun 2010 10:51 am
Reviewer: Ramelia (Signed)
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I love the humour and sadness mixed up in this one, and the overall nostalgic tone. Very captivating story despite Harry's rambly-ness. At times I felt like crying and in a second - laughing again, particularly when Harry says Snape's portrait gave him the finger. Ha. My first reaction was: "Huh?" And then I burst out laughing.
Very nice fic, and the ending's just the icing on the cake. Good job! (And never mind the fact that I wanted to bawl my eyes out at that point.)
Author's Response: Thanks; I really wanted to capture the bitter-sweet feeling of visiting someone's grave- and it sounds as if I succeeded from your review ^^ (I was crying at the end too lol!) Saying goodbye to someone is always hard and, often, the hardest part is getting out the words- which is why Harry rambles so much- but, after a time, the sharpness of grief fades into soft regret and one starts to remember the person, not the pain of losing them. For Harry, this means remembering that Snape wasn't just a tragic hero; he was also a sarcastic, somewhat arrogant man who would find a degree of dark humour in Harry's thoughts and feelings and, as Harry grows older, he begins to understand and like Snape for who he really was.