Title: Nursery School, Part 2
| 04 Jan 2009 1:50 pm
Reviewer: Jen77 (Anonymous)
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I was hoping Santa would bring me an update for Christmas...maybe it is there somewhere and just got misplaced:) Please update soon! Love this story.
awww this is amazing, and so sweet! Please, please update, this is one of the best de-aging stories I've ever come across!
Title: The Morning After
| 25 Sep 2008 9:31 pm
Reviewer: Erica (Anonymous)
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I know you've long since put this up here, but I thought I'd comment just in case you ever check :). I think you are AMAZING at keeping true to Snape's character; how he thinks of kicking and dropping babies, I thought it was hilarious, and somehow true. You really have his mindset to a 'T', and I just wanted to let you know how incredibly cool it was to actually be laughing at Snape for a change.
Wow! I love this fic! Its so well written. I hope you continue.
Title: Nursery School, Part 2
| 07 Sep 2008 8:01 pm
Reviewer: Jenny (Anonymous)
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This is a good story. Do you plan on updating it soon? What age will they be next?
Title: Nursery School, Part 1
| 01 Jul 2008 7:03 pm
Reviewer: Missy Eye (Anonymous)
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so i'm noticing there is only one more chapter which i hope means ur going to update soon
poor remus, he really hoped he could get Harry back, maybe he would have if he had taken Harry before snape, poor guy. honestly, he must've felt strange to see James and Lily's son wanting Severus Snape.
As for poor poor Harry, i loved his reaction to the gel, simply adorable, will these memories affect the toddlers when they return to their proper age? So, i've taken physcology and when a two year old doesn't see his mum or parent of guardian, they seriously think that they've dissapeared, and that is why they begin to cry! aww
anyways this is a warning you need to update ASAP! lol luv Missy
Title: A Potions Accident
| 24 Jun 2008 8:20 pm
Reviewer: Missy Eye (Anonymous)
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oh no snape is going to wake up with a fully grown potter in his lap!
Title: Nursery School, Part 2
| 11 Jun 2008 4:29 pm
Reviewer: Jewelle (Anonymous)
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I was updating my bookmarks on WIPs and found that you had updated. Very nicely written, I am really looking forward to seeing Harry and Draco grow up and how it changes their attitudes for when they are 16 again. I hope you do update again soon.
Title: Nursery School, Part 2
| 06 Jun 2008 11:42 pm
Reviewer: Jen77 (Anonymous)
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I'd absolutely love an update!!! It is such a cute ficlet. Imagine Snape chasing two giggling toddlers.