Title: Nursery School, Part 2
| 13 May 2008 5:36 pm
Reviewer: Sam (Anonymous)
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This is really good - please please please an update sooon!!
Are you going to finish this? Cause I love this story so much, and it's wonderful, and brilliant and fantastic. So are you going to finish?
Title: Nursery School, Part 2
| 17 Mar 2008 6:25 am
Reviewer: mertens (Anonymous)
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I absolutely love this story,you write so well,I give it a definite 10.
Title: Nursery School, Part 2
| 15 Mar 2008 3:29 pm
Reviewer: Ali (Anonymous)
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Hope you are going to continue this.
Oh, this is absolutely adorable! I'm so glad my sister told me about it and sent me the URL. I look forward to reading future installments when your muse provides them.
Title: Nursery School, Part 2
| 10 Feb 2008 4:23 pm
Reviewer: jen77 (Anonymous)
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i was wondering if an update of one of my favorite stories was in the works anytime soon? as she begs and pleads.
*coo* Aww... That was soo sweet! *grin* This fic is absolutely brilliant! I love it! It's been a while since I've read a baby/toddler fic. *smile* More Please! ASAP! ASAP ASAP ASAP!
Just too too cute I love it cant wait till you update again!!
Title: Nursery School, Part 2
| 09 Oct 2007 11:50 am
Reviewer: Keina (Signed)
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bouhou another chapter please, I love this story too much !
Hilarious. Absolutely hilarious.