Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Am I Ready to be a Father? 15 Oct 2020 6:45 pm
Reviewer: Cayj (Signed) [Report This]
    Idk if this is a manipulative dumbles fic but I hope Snape is smart enough to legalize his custody cause canon Dumbledore would definitely still get harry to the dursleys
Title: Chapter 1 15 Oct 2020 6:36 pm
Reviewer: Cayj (Signed) [Report This]
    I'm so happy I clicked on this! It's a biological father Severus story! Usually I go straight for biological father (not as a big fan of stepdad or adopted or mentor Snape) but something said to take a look at the broader category of Parental Snape and this was just right there!
Title: Finite Incantatum 19 Jun 2020 4:35 am
Reviewer: PhoenixFeathers (Signed) [Report This]
Title: I Am Not Draco 19 Jun 2020 4:30 am
Reviewer: PhoenixFeathers (Signed) [Report This]
    Narcissa’s a fucking bitch
Title: Something Not Quite Right 19 Jun 2020 4:27 am
Reviewer: PhoenixFeathers (Signed) [Report This]
    Has nobody noticed he doesn’t have his scar? I mean, come on yk
Title: You Are Not Safe Here 19 Jun 2020 4:18 am
Reviewer: PhoenixFeathers (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh you sneaky little shit 😱
Title: Your Life is Not Worth Mine 18 Jun 2020 12:58 pm
Reviewer: PhoenixFeathers (Signed) [Report This]
    😭😭😭 thank god😭
    I mean I knew he was gonna wake up because I knew that wasn’t the last chapter but still 🥺🥺🥺n88;a039;
Title: He is only Seven 18 Jun 2020 12:54 pm
Reviewer: PhoenixFeathers (Signed) [Report This]
    Harry has to come back, he just does 🥺
Title: The Cold Vastness of Death 18 Jun 2020 12:50 pm
Reviewer: PhoenixFeathers (Signed) [Report This]
Title: Massacre in Enfield 18 Jun 2020 9:03 am
Reviewer: PhoenixFeathers (Signed) [Report This]

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