Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Rules of the Game
Title: Chapter 15: Potions and Ponderings 07 Oct 2006 4:49 pm
Reviewer: Jan_AQ (Signed) [Report This]
    Haha I love how Hermione just gave Pansy a bottle of nail polish to get a perfect potion. XD I love how you have the children, children, espeically the 12 year old boys. Great job. :) I shudder a little that they melted chocolate frogs into hot chocolate though. XD But it's cute, even if the hot chooclate has to be waaay too thinck and it used to be frogs! LOL. I like the way Hermione's noticing things. I love your description of Neville, how he's happier. That's great.
Title: Chapter 21: Confrontations 07 Oct 2006 4:33 pm
Reviewer: Jan_AQ (Signed) [Report This]

    lovely! loved the end, especially about them owning a cat! LOL. you had a couple of typos you may want to fix. Sorry, I didn't keep a tally of them so I can't point them out.

    I'm glad that the story has finally come out,I'm really glad that Harry wasn't really, really injured the way some stories make him, I found that this was much more believable. Poor guy. I love how Harry kept asking for reaffirmation at the end as he was led out. He has good friends. I wonder what they will do next about this situation. Great story! Thanks so much for posting it! 

Title: Chapter 20: Admissions 07 Oct 2006 3:26 pm
Reviewer: Jan_AQ (Signed) [Report This]
    Great chapetr! I loved how Ginny gave Filch a kitten! That was so cute! Your little Harry is so adorable still and I'm really sad by what happened butu I can't wait until Snape finds out! I like the jobs and characters of Hermione and Neville, how they are pushing things forward. I enjoy their determination and care for their friend. I really enjoy everyone's character, especially Harry. I love how Snape said that he was proud of him. :*) Best line ever: "I have said I am proud of you, Mr. Potter, and I am not a man who lies.” Fantastic. And now Harry's getting marched right back to Snape! Hooray!
Title: Chapter 19: On Christmas Eve 03 Oct 2006 9:50 pm
Reviewer: lesyeuxverts (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh, my. This is just excellent. There's something so compelling about the way that you weave the different characters' viewpoints together into a narrative ... and I simply can't wait to see what happens when Snape finds out what happened or how badly Harry's been hurt. Update soon, please!
Title: Chapter 19: On Christmas Eve 03 Oct 2006 7:31 pm
Reviewer: Harriverse (Anonymous) [Report This]
    What was done to Harry???  This chapter was soooo exciting!!!  Whatever was done, it was bad if he is still affected now.  Please update sooon!!!
Title: Chapter 19: On Christmas Eve 03 Oct 2006 1:28 am
Reviewer: Gillianne (Signed) [Report This]
    OMG never has to know what...you are evil for stopping there. ;)  And I don't mean evil in a bad way...but I do hope you hurry with the next chapter(s) ;)
Title: Chapter 16: Worth a Detention 03 Oct 2006 12:44 am
Reviewer: Jan_AQ (Signed) [Report This]

    lovely, lovely chapter! I laughed about the DADA antics. Oh man, Lockhart is very ridiculous and very entertaining. Of course only the boys notice. XD

    This part needs to be structured better in it's direction, time:

    The candelabra Neville was hanging from suddenly disintegrated, and he plunged through the air, landing directly on Lockhart.

    The Gryffindor boys waited until they were a safe distance out of the room, then Harry and Dean hoisted Neville onto their shoulders and carried him to the Great Hall, cheering.

    Professor McGonagall gave them detention for foolhardiness, of course, but Harry thought it was worth it until he showed up to the Great Hall Friday night to find out where he was headed.

    You switched a little too quick and left your readers behind both times. I really, really liked the detention scene with Snape and the diagnostic potion that lit things up. I loved their conversation and how Snape told him that “A wizard who pulls back on a promise is a very poor wizard indeed.” Great line. Great job on all their interactions! Thanks so much for sharing!!

Title: Chapter 17: Halloween Voices 03 Oct 2006 12:25 am
Reviewer: Jan_AQ (Signed) [Report This]

    Aw, porr Harry's cast won't let him fly. : Poor kid. Won't play Quidditch this year, that's awful but I guess he's got a lot more going on this year anyway.

    I loved how Neville stepped up and flashed the camera in Colin's face and berrated him. It's a very strong move and I liked this hint of his strength inside and that he might be able to take charge.

    Lockhart having his students just read from his books is hilarious! Did they do that in JKR's COS? I can't remember... Poor Harry falling down and hitting his head. Poor guy. I love how Seamus pulled a prank and they paid a Hufflepuff to call out present! LOL!

    I loved this line: “But–I don’t want to be famous. I just want to stop being the stupid hag.” LOL.

    Hermione had agreed that Lavender had gone a little bit over the line. “But Harry, he really is a very accomplished wizard. He’s only acting out his adventures because he thinks we can learn from them.” Ha! Yeah right Hermione!

    I liked how in this version the trio were walking back with Percy when they came upon the ghastly Chamber of Secrets scene. Your Percy is really interesting, I like how... responsible he is and it's different than the pompous,  joking manner he is in the books. I liked how Ginny was there and crying, I wonder if that was what she would be like  for real if she hadn't been possesed. I think it's Ron in this story that's possessed, poor Ron.

Title: Chapter 19: On Christmas Eve 03 Oct 2006 12:08 am
Reviewer: Jan_AQ (Signed) [Report This]

    I forgot to mention how I loved how you structured the scenes around each of the young Gryffindors, their Christmas and what they were about to do. It was a very interesting form to read and done well. I really liked it as a rare change.

    I also LOVED Harry's little daydreams. it was so precious, both because of what it was and also how you wrote it so simply with Harry's childish wishes and desiring heart. Lovely. Precious. I never get to read something so simple and lovely, at least not like that. Great job and thank you so much. :) 

Title: Chapter 18: Hisses and Pondering (Again) 02 Oct 2006 11:59 pm
Reviewer: Jan_AQ (Signed) [Report This]

    Oh no! Poor Harry! He can't go back there! He might not make it, he'll probbaly get turned out again. It seems like he's just going to go and not say a word...

    I love how Hermione's catching on about Harry. He has great friends. Interetsing how you introduced Parseltounge to Harry and that Snape knows... I'm worried that he's hearing the basilick and not telling anyone though...

    Good chapter! 

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