Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Rules of the Game
Title: Chapter 19: On Christmas Eve 02 Oct 2006 11:57 pm
Reviewer: Jan_AQ (Signed) [Report This]
    Fantastic!! Absolutely fantastic. I loved Harry's fierce spirit, knowing that he could do it, determined to be good. It was so.. horrible! when Dudley said what he did! Poor, poor Harry! It all crashed down. It's so heartbreaking the way he thinks, to hide  the necklace so Snape wouldn't know.. i loved how Snape got ready to go and check on him but then he was sealed in the castle! I was NOT expecting it, it was so... frustrating and dramatic. Wow. Fantastic job. Now I can't wait until Snaoe and Harry meet, what will Harry give as to the excuse when the necklace didn't work? Great job! Thanks so much for this chapter!
Title: Chapter 19: On Christmas Eve 02 Oct 2006 8:12 pm
Reviewer: MaireadInish (Signed) [Report This]
    This chapter just made me ache with sadness. You wrote it beautifully.
Title: Chapter 19: On Christmas Eve 02 Oct 2006 4:11 pm
Reviewer: Laume (Anonymous) [Report This]
    oh, poor Harry. Poor, stupid little boy. Make him be alright, please? I so want to see a happy end - well, for Harry and Severus, not for the Dursleys
Title: Chapter 17: Halloween Voices 02 Oct 2006 7:08 am
Reviewer: Carpe Savium (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Utterly fabulous! Snape is trying to help Harry just like Snape would, and Harry's muddled, and its all so utterly cute!
Title: Chapter 17: Halloween Voices 02 Oct 2006 6:52 am
Reviewer: erin (Anonymous) [Report This]
    A great story - I just started reading and got hooked.  Nice job. :)
Title: Chapter 13: Going To Be A Long Summer 28 Sep 2006 6:11 pm
Reviewer: Kirinin (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Heh.  If he's been smelling the spaghetti cooking all afternoon, I sure hope Neville's grandma makes it from scratch.
Title: Chapter 12: Hospital Wings and Holidays 28 Sep 2006 6:05 pm
Reviewer: Kirinin (Anonymous) [Report This]

    What a fabulous line, there... "if this was his heart's desire, he had a lot of work to do."  Never seen the Mirror used as a tool to plan one's life, but it really ought to be.  Nice!


Title: Chapter 15: Potions and Ponderings 27 Sep 2006 7:51 pm
Reviewer: Syret (Signed) [Report This]
    I simply love your story.  Keep up the GREAT work.
Title: Chapter 15: Potions and Ponderings 26 Sep 2006 9:16 pm
Reviewer: Harriverse (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I can't tell you enough how much I enjoy your writing!!!  As an AU, you have skillfully crafted a blend of JK's storyline with your original take on things.  I hope you don't mind, but when you finish I want a hard copy of this to share with my mom!  She may be in her seventh decade (isn't that where McGonagal is?), but she likes great stories too.  I'm wondering how long Snape will let Harry be pummeled before he takes some steps to remedy the situation.  It's so nice that Herm's dad also wants a 'piece of the action.'  Why doesn't Dumbledore do something in this AU?  Has he left the playing field in order to leave it open for Snape?  No loss in this story; I like the way it revolves around your chosen characters.  Remember: These are not flames, just thoughts that run through my head as I think about what I've read.  I wish I could copy this and use it with my students just to show them what I think about when I read something I like.  Hmmmm.  Maybe I'll infect some nonreaders with my own love of the Potterverse!  The principal will probably be sporting a pointed hat in no time!  The chorus teacher would really go for the teaching robes---I think he suffers from Snape envy in that regard.  But he really could give Lockheart a run for his money.  See:  Your universe is so realistic to me it's seeping into my reality.  Bet you didn't expect THAT to happen.  Can't wait until the next time we catch up!
Title: Chapter 4: McGonnagal Knew 26 Sep 2006 10:11 am
Reviewer: Kirinin (Anonymous) [Report This]

    It's really good so far.  How original, an 11-year-old runaway Harry...

    As far as spelling errors they're ignorable.  One grammar error that keeps popping up does annoy me, though: it's the possessive apostrophe.  You switch "plural" and "possessive"...

    Okay: so when the Slytherin prefects all dump Percy's banner in the flames, it shouldn't be the Slytherin prefect's doing it.  It's just more than one prefect - so "prefects".  Apostrophe-s is possessive, meaning belonging-to-them... for instance, "Harry's smile", or the smile that belongs to Harry.  Other than as a conjunction with is or was, ("Harry's coming, I promise") that's the only time you use apostrophe-s.

    Thanks!  Like you say, gr/sp errors sort of take me out of the story.  They're jarring.

    I'm enjoying it immensely so far!


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