Title: Chapter 4: McGonnagal Knew
| 10 Jul 2008 2:23 am
Reviewer: Missy Eye (Anonymous)
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omg this is literally bringing me to tears!!
Title: Chapter 1: Rules Broken
| 10 Jul 2008 1:54 am
Reviewer: Missy Eye (Anonymous)
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Will you be updating or is this story abandoned? I'd really like to read more.
OH MY GOSH WOW! This story is insanely amazing! I love it! Awww and of all places to leave off haha! Great Work! I can't wait for Harry to prove Snape wrong when he still wants to be with him. Excellent work!
this fic is great, really enjoying it, can't wait for the next update
You have got to be kidding me leaving it off like that! Update woman, update! If you don't post the next chapter of this story soon, I will be forced to summon Snape and have him chop you up into tiny peices and use them in Potions! Please, please, please post! Please?
Title: Chapter 34: For the Potters
| 27 Nov 2007 4:20 am
Reviewer: em conway (Anonymous)
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I love this story. It is now one of my faves. Its better than cannon. I see that you last update was in Jan. But please...I need more!
I am eagerly awaiting new chapters to this. Great work.
Title: Chapter 35: Rats
| 18 Aug 2007 6:15 pm
Reviewer: knysliukas (Anonymous)
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I have just found your stories - and they are incredible! fell in love with this one! please please update as soon as possible!!! and thank you for such a pleasure :)
I *love* this view of Severus - intelligent, strong, canny. Loyal. He wouldn't have been human if he hadn't considered letting Pettigrew get away, but he loves Harry, enough to do what's best for the boy...