Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For New Leader
Title: New Leader 17 Oct 2006 2:33 am
Reviewer: Jan_AQ (Signed) [Report This]

    I really like dthis one! I found it quite different. I remember that I liked the power play. I would have liked to see more tone in the first part of dialouge, there is mostly just descriptions of physical changes. It leaves me guessing. :)

    I adored how it ended and i really liked how Harry obliviated SNape and how everything changed, he was the overwhelmed kid. I especially liked how Snape did not talk back to him with his usual hatred, but instead was just monotone. I suppose that giving Harry the lemon drop tin was his way of saying that he accepted Harry taking Dumbledore's place.

    What I'd really like to see, is Snape mentoring Harry in how to be the leader, or just guiding him for awhile. But I suppose we have no chance of that, huh? 

    Author's Response:

    Thank you, Jan. I think that what makes this story different is exactly its lack of "padding" and development. It's like a punchline. It was the first story I wrote after "Baphomet I", so it was my second story ever, and my first Gen story. I wrote it in a few minutes and posted it unbetaed. But my lj-friends liked it and betaed it for me, and since then I've been receiving wonderful reviews on it. I really don't plan to continue it. The truth is, I'm mostly a slash writer. I wrote many stories where Snape mentored Harry, but they are all slash (sorry, I know you don't like slash stories).

     Anyway, thanks for your thoughtful review!


Title: New Leader 16 Oct 2006 11:20 pm
Reviewer: Rezallia (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I really could not see Severus doing that, but...er... I guess the ends justified the means because I did like the ending... Yeah...  Ha... I just called Snape "Severus" in normal conversation... that's just weird. :)

    Author's Response:

    Oh, I agree, this story is like a punchline in itself. It doesn't have any development. But I'm glad that you've liked it, in spite of that.


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