Hurry up with Solstice 2 please! I LOVED reading this story, it was entertaining, excieting, funny, sweet, emotional, surprising, and beautiful! I loved everything about it, the only thing I would commment on is the fact that some parts seemed like a Dramione, and I just don't like those at all, sorry. I hope they stay as friends, because Hermione and Ron are supposed to love eachother. Great job though, you rock! Please, please, please post Solstice 2! *Puppy-dog eyes*
Title: Chapter 27 -TLC
| 21 May 2007 2:47 pm
Reviewer: Smelly Cat (Anonymous)
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I was Like Oh my gosh!!! what do you mean THE END!!!!!!???? then it said "Look for Solstice 2 soon" and im'e like.......oh thats better hehe
Fantastic story! I cannot wait for part two! I just read this story straight through, and I loved every bit of it. My anticipation for what happens next is very great. Please update soon with the second part of this thrilling tale. Terrific job!
Awww, great! I just skipped ahead to this chapter and it was a GREAT chapter. I loved the talk between Snape and Dumbledore. Your Dumbledore is pretty amazing as a developed character. He's full of depth, and stuff I haven't seen before, really. I really enjoyed the Occlumency scene. And there's a sequel? COOL!
One typo: Mastering Occlumenct is quite an achievement;
Title: Chapter 26-melting the ice
| 07 May 2007 1:38 pm
Reviewer: Derby (Anonymous)
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I love this story. I cannot wait to see where you will take it next. Please update soon!
Lovely, tear-jerker. Parents of several children know that what Snape said is true, but I still find many only children who really don't think that they can love more than one child--until they have the second. ;-)
Title: Chapter 7-the iceblock
| 07 May 2007 3:11 am
Reviewer: Derby (Anonymous)
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Nice build-up in this chapter.
Title: Chapter 3- Slowly Sinking Deeper
| 07 May 2007 1:00 am
Reviewer: Derby (Anonymous)
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Title: Chapter 26-melting the ice
| 06 May 2007 11:16 pm
Reviewer: blue artemis (Anonymous)
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That was a sweet chapter. I do love your writing.
Title: Chapter 19 - Land of the Living
| 09 Apr 2007 11:54 pm
Reviewer: tia (Anonymous)
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LOVE IT! Love it LOADS! Can't wait to finish the rest!