Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Solstice
Title: Chapter 3- Slowly Sinking Deeper 21 Nov 2006 8:41 am
Reviewer: Jan_AQ (Signed) [Report This]

    Fantastic chapter! I really enjoyed the antagonisim between Draco and Harry and his friends. I am enjoying your characterization of Draco a lot. I noticed he seemed jealous of Harry's friends before the Quidditch match. Harry just had to take the Dreamless sleep, didn't he? And now he's in trouble. Good job with the interegation when Snape was asking Harry about Lupin, and when he was asking Draco about the Dreamless sleep.

Title: Chapter 8-SoMeThInG wIcKeD 21 Nov 2006 8:22 am
Reviewer: Spiorad (Anonymous) [Report This]

    hmm... I've read this chapter before.... was this first posted on fanfiction.net?

     Any way, its really good!

Title: Chapter 2 - Accountability 21 Nov 2006 7:52 am
Reviewer: Jan_AQ (Signed) [Report This]

    Woo! Fantastic job. I think that you did a job job juggling all the characters, even Dumbledore has a bit of an appearance in this one. I liked the scene between Harry and his friends. But Malfoy - wow, he threatened to kill Hermione's parents? No wonder Snape was furious. I don't think Hemrione or Ron will even think about accepting Malfoy any time soon.

    I am a little worried about Snape's violent side. He hit draco last chapter, that does not inspire confidence to me but I think Draco probably has more trust and events with Snape to make him still trust him. I would have liked to see them deal with the way Snape hit him and make things right. I guess with them both being part of Death Eater... life, they look at it a little differently and move on.

    I think for the most part your Snape is very incharacter. I still thin kyou could do a better job switching between mean to gentle. I wonder about Harry and his dreamless sleep plan. WOuldn't drinking this potion just knock him out? lol. It's really interesting that a few drops might make him mellow though...

    Mr. Potter won a Quidditch match or Ms. Grainger (Granger)

    "Well, Draco! Speak up!" Then Snape added in a low hiss, "are you missing the beatings? Is that why you are so mad at Potter for getting your father locked up?" (hiss, "Are you... Beginnings of sentences in quotes are supposed to be capitalized.) :)

    Snape in a cold dry voice added. "In (added, "In)

    I found a website that explains quotation grammer that you may want to glance through real quick. I study this myself sometimes. http://owl.english.purdue.edu/handouts/grammar/g_quote.html

    Snape froze as he looked up. (froze as Draco looked up? This has to be clearer otherwise i don't know what's going on. I think Snape looked up and froze?)

Title: Chapter 1 - A Soul at the Edge of an Abyss 21 Nov 2006 7:07 am
Reviewer: Jan_AQ (Signed) [Report This]

    Wow, great start! You managed to pack so much into this one chapter. I loved seeing your version of the Occlumency lessons, the potions class, ect. I also really liked the side plot with Draco, that Draco needs help. I feel that you did a good job delving into his backstory without loosing your readers. It added to the story. Snape seemed like he swiitched from violent to caring too easily, you need to build that part of his character up a little bit more to make him seem more realistic as a character.

    My main thing is that I wish you'd work on and fix is some of the writing. You switch tenses, especially in the first part of this chapter. You can't do that, the narration needs to be in one tense. You got better as the chapter went on, so it's probably just a beginning thing. Also, when you do dialouge, you can't really start a new paragraph with the same person speaking, the reader will automatically think that it is a new person speaking. The only way you can make a new paragraph is if the person's speak goes for more than a paragraph and you don't add the end quotes before moving on into the next paragraph, like so:

    Snape slowly shook his head,"You don't know do you? ...ect... What you did was wrong.

    "I don't know what else to tell Dumbledore... ect..."

    Please go back and edit this chapter. I think that your tense problems and little punctuation things and the formatting is making you loose readers. They start the first chapter but don't want to keep going because the writing constantly jars them from the story and then they can't enjoy it. I'm going to now post some things from your writing so you notice a couple of what I'm talking about:

    Snape sighing in frustration, "Don’t worry I won’t harm a hair on golden boys head." (your golden boy's head?)

    A surge of anger shot through Harry, how dare Snape make him relive Sirius’s death, how dare he restrained him. (restrain?)

    "Potter, get back to your seat." Snape commanded sternly. (...to you seat," Snape... You need to use a , not a . here.)

    Draco pulling his arm out of Snape’s grasp, tore out of the room. Snape letting him go. Numbly Snape collapsed into his chair, his eyes closing. (Draco pulled his arm... or, Pulling his arm from Snape's grasp, Draco tore out of the room. Snape let him go. Numbly, Snape collapsed into his chair and closed his eyes.)

    by samhaincatA Soul at the Edge of the Abyss (I odn't think you meant this to be in the middle of your story text. It's right above the last horizontal rule (line ----- thing). I took it out for you.)

    "What do you care," sprinted through Harry’s mind. However he followed Snape’s instructions, not wanting a repeat of the last lesson even more than Snape. Once was humiliating enough.

    sprinted through Harry’s mind. However he followed Snape’s instructions, not wanting a repeat of the last lesson even more than Snape. Once was humiliating enough.

    (You have a double post here of text. I'm going to take the second one out for you.)

    because you didn’t go to Sirius and keep him at Grimauldi place because…" (Grimwald?)

    "Potty what’s up with you? Is there a Dementor on your tail?" Malfoy snarled viciously.

    He pulled out his wand "Because of you my father is in Azkaban it’s time you paid for that!" He lifted his wand and pointed it just as Harry tried to grab for his wand. (Put these two things from Malfoy on the same line or I'll think Harry's the one pulling out his wand.)

    Crabbe and Goyle backed away and left the room in a hurry.



    "Cowards," sniffed Draco. 

    (You have too many lines, spaces here. I'm going to editit to take the extra lines out but make sure if you edit this chapter, that your copy doesn't add them back in.)


Title: Chapter 7-the iceblock 20 Nov 2006 4:50 pm
Reviewer: sweets2 (Anonymous) [Report This]
    If reviews are tasty I'll try to add cinnimon to mine. :) Holidays coming and all. I thought this was a great Chappy. I think Hermione and Draco will have a thing going...to many people's horror...but you are the author it is your choice :).

    Sev and Harry getting along will take a lot of work. i wouldn't be surprised if it wound up in the headmasters office.

Title: Chapter 7-the iceblock 20 Nov 2006 8:14 am
Reviewer: Spiorad (Anonymous) [Report This]

    I love this fic! The ending was just perfect and I think your doing a really good job with Draco.

    One question though. Why is it that at this part:

    "So you don't have a close relationship with them?"

    The word RELATIONSHIP is turned into some type of link, to what I am going to assume is not a very eh... good website?

    Admin edit: Jan deleted link.. I'll take it out of the text. Looks like it's was carried over by a copy paste form another site, maybe.
Title: Chapter 7-the iceblock 19 Nov 2006 11:41 pm
Reviewer: blue artemis (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Another lovely chapter. Things are getting shaken up, aren't they?
Title: Chapter 6 - FOG 19 Nov 2006 5:43 pm
Reviewer: blue artemis (Signed) [Report This]
    There was definitely a lot of emotion in this chapter. I can't wait for more.
Title: Chapter 6 - FOG 19 Nov 2006 4:34 pm
Reviewer: Carrie (Anonymous) [Report This]

    Awesome!  I had to catch up, since I missed like 3 chapters, but I love this story!  Nice dynamics between Snape, Harry and Draco.  I really hope Harry will open up to someone and that Draco will tell Snape about the letter!

    Great job!

Title: Chapter 6 - FOG 19 Nov 2006 2:57 pm
Reviewer: Karen (Anonymous) [Report This]

    I love this.  Please keep going and update soon.  Having very difficult time trying to log in to this site-if you have spare moment could you e me to say you've updated? If not I will understand and check back daily.  Thanks daisha@rocketm...

    Admin edit: Jan - Please don't list your e-mail in a review. There's no protection on the site for it. Thanks. :) You can add this story to your favourites and you will get automatic e-mail noices when it is updated if you set it to do so in your Preferences.

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