Great piece! It was interesting and fun to see events from Snape's point of view!
Title: The Forest Conversation
| 22 Aug 2007 1:24 am
Reviewer: Jan_AQ (Signed)
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Woo! Great ending. i love how Snape was trying to intimidate Quirrel and figure things out. I know who's under the turban, and it just makes me shiver to realize that Snape doesn't.
Haha! I love this situation and Snape's snark. He's so in character!
I love being able to read and hear Snape's thoughts during this scene. Very inventive and imaginative chapter. Great job!
Title: The First Game
| 06 Nov 2005 3:16 pm
Reviewer: Kateri (Anonymous)
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Not bad, love looks into Snape's head
Title: The Forest Conversation
| 07 May 2005 3:35 am
Reviewer: Selena (Anonymous)
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excellent "Tag". Too often you find that Snape POV scenes are quite out of charecter. good work, I found that rather enjoyable.
(yes, this is really the way I speak, to answer the questions that the last six authors I reviewed posed.)
Title: The Forest Conversation
| 30 Jan 2005 10:43 am
Reviewer: Jasmine (Anonymous)
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You should continue this. Maybe make Snape a little more complex