Wow. EXACTLY 100 words. Now, how about letters?
Title: Drabble
| 22 Jan 2007 1:05 am
Reviewer: pharmacy_tech (Anonymous)
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Very nicely done. Just one question, though: Is Harry sitting the the head table? I'm just curious as to why Snape would be handing Harry food at the feast. A lot of feeling in only 100 words, however. Good job.
Author's Response: I'll be frank...when I first wrote this, it was Hermione handing Harry the dish, but then I remembered I had to include Snape. So, in my mind, it's like 5th year or so and Snape has grown accustomed to watching out for Harry a bit, for whatever reason we'd like to dream up... So Snape simply walks by the table, perhaps glares at some of the kids, and picks it up and gives it to Harry. Like, 'aren't you smart enough to pass the dish, you stupid Gryffindors' or something... Thanks for reviewing! Not only do I really appreciate the encouragement (it was my first challenge and first drabble . . .) but it gave me a chance to explain myself a bit, which you can't do in 100 words! Heck, this response is probably more than 100 words - lol!