Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Mist Never Clears 21 Feb 2007 12:15 pm
Reviewer: Gillianne (Signed) [Report This]
    WOW! I love you for this story...and I hate you for the cliffhangers! ;)

    Seriously, I think this is awesome. Harry's hallucinations are so real, and so well written. And I think his reactions to his hallucinations are spot on!

    Author's Response:

    Oh thank goodness... :)

     I was really, really worried that the hallucinations would seem so weird and unbelievable to Harry (and to you guys :D) so thanks for your review!

      Arr, me thinks yer gunna wan' slice me head off wit' a watermelon after all me upcomin' cliffys...


    err, my pirate sucks, doesn't it? *shakes head in grief* 

Title: Consequences 15 Feb 2007 10:40 pm
Reviewer: Ebbtide (Signed) [Report This]
    What is going on!!?? I am on the edge of my seat! Great writing...loving it so far! Next chapter, please...lol. =). ;). You're a fantastic writer. And cliff hangers seem to be one of your specialties!

    Author's Response:


    I've finally reached "edgeofreader'sseat" status! :D

    Thanks so much for the writing compliments so just for you, I'll try putting cliff hangers in every chapter!

    Just kidding. Ok, not kidding that much but... I really like cliff hangers! :))

Title: Consequences 14 Feb 2007 11:13 pm
Reviewer: sharkiepatronus (Signed) [Report This]

    This had better be a very short cliff...

    Author's Response:

    I understand the "what?!?!?!?!"part.. :D


    But what do you mean very short cliff? hmm.. Anyway, things will get a wee bit clearer next chapter.. I hope.

Title: Consequences 14 Feb 2007 1:54 pm
Reviewer: Harriverse (Anonymous) [Report This]
    What alternate reality did your Harry wake up in? Too many questions to ask so I'll wait for the update. Twisted and dramatic best describes this chapter--too many ups and downs to figure it out.

    Author's Response:

    Twisted and dramatic best describes me too! :D Actually, it's meant to be confusing and topsy-turvy in many instances because of... well... can't tell you now but soon!

     I hope some of your questions will be answered next chapter but Harry's questions will stay that way for a long time. >_<

Title: Off the Trail 14 Feb 2007 12:09 am
Reviewer: ? (Anonymous) [Report This]
    More please!

    Author's Response:

    Sure! Hope you come back next week! :D

Title: Consequences 13 Feb 2007 10:00 pm
Reviewer: LindseySnape (Signed) [Report This]
    WHAT OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!!! I absolutely refuse to believe that Severus would kill Harry (Let alone Dumbledore, but that's a different story) or anyone else for that matter. The cliffhanger was great, I can't wait for more. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE update soon. Great story I absolutely love it. :O)

    Author's Response:

    Ooh.. Attack of the exclamation points!!!!!!! lol.. :D

     I loved that cliffy too! Thanks so much..

    Bad news though, I might be able to update this by monday, next week at the earliest! School makes me sad. T_T

Title: Consequences 13 Feb 2007 9:49 pm
Reviewer: Angie (Anonymous) [Report This]
    UDATE SOON! I want to know what happens! How can everyone just turn on him? This can't be happening. There has to be a catch to it!

    Author's Response:

    Muahahaha... :D

     erm, sorry 'bout that.

    Most (I repeat, most ^_^) of it will be explained by next chapter so hope you wait for me! :)

Title: Off the Trail 12 Feb 2007 11:22 pm
Reviewer: LindseySnape (Signed) [Report This]
    the shampoo joke was cute. Your story is becoming very intresting, can't wait for more please update soon.

    Author's Response: Thanks! I liked the shampoo bit too :D
Title: Off the Trail 11 Feb 2007 10:00 pm
Reviewer: Grumpy (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Your character interpretations are AWESOME!!! I can really feel how frustrated Harry must have felt after Sirius's death...this story has a lot of potential! Your plot is wonderful...*stage whisper* I so can't write plot, everyone....ahem, anyway! I can't wait for an update. Fingers crossed for Tuesday... This story's going on my favorites. Cheers!

    Author's Response:

    Really!? Yay! *jumps up and down - repeatedly*

     For the love of me, I get really frustrated when I do my characterization.. It feels so... false when I read it! So thanks so much for the compliment, it really helped! :D

    Oh, and if you have any questions or whatever, you could email me at

    kmcruz at gmail dot com

    I really like chatting with my fellow fanfic addicts! :D

Title: Off the Trail 11 Feb 2007 8:04 pm
Reviewer: LindseySnape (Signed) [Report This]
    Intresting can't wait for more, poor Harry better watch it, he's going to end up in one of Severus' potions, ha ha. Good job, and please update soon.

    Author's Response:

    Oh, thats a good one...

    *writes down*

    sev.. er.. us.. puts... har.. ry... in.. caul... dron..

    there. Thanks! :D


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