Title: Snapshot 5 - Day Twenty-One
| 04 Apr 2013 2:54 pm
Reviewer: kspence (Signed)
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Title: Snapshot 4 - Day Eighteen
| 26 Feb 2007 11:41 am
Reviewer: Ebbtide Chequ (Anonymous)
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Excellent! Wonderful addition! Keep bringing it...=).
Title: Snapshot 3 - Day Thirteen
| 24 Feb 2007 4:58 pm
Reviewer: Harriverse (Anonymous)
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Why is it that when we are involved in serious situations, we react. It is only by withdrawing and reflecting that we begin to see patterns, the distance allowing us to get a better picture of what is truly happening or why it's important or how it impacts on us. But most of life is 'lived in the trenches' with no distance or space in which to reflect. As we fill our lives with music, TV, cell phones and shopping malls--places where we are so involved in what is happening that we have no time or space to reflect and think. Everything is surface. Your story is like a period where we can reflect on what the characters are thinking and feeling since there is little to no 'trenches' to react to. Snape appears to be thinking rather than reacting to Potter. Harry hasn't the experience or maturity to see what is happening to him. With no responsible role models or adults to talk with he will continue to founder.
Yes, I'm thinking more in terms of real teens and real life than your particular characters. That is something reading is supposed to give us--the chance to reflect on important ideas and issues that may influence how we live our lives without the pain of learning the lessons by living them. It's not often that I read something that makes me think like good literature is supposed to do within the fandom. I rather like the action and adventure, the 'now' of it all. I think that's why your Snape is so interesting to me. He's thinking and maybe he will become more interesting. Thanks for sharing your story.
Author's Response: Thanks. There will be two more installments of "Hate Me", which I might actually be able to get up this weekend. I'm glad you like this.
Title: Snapshot 1 - Day Five
| 24 Feb 2007 4:39 pm
Reviewer: Harriverse (Anonymous)
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So Snape finally listens. Makes you wonder.
Title: Snapshot 3 - Day Thirteen
| 24 Feb 2007 5:33 am
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous)
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Very nice! I'm looking forward to the next chapter!! ^^
Title: Snapshot 1 - Day Five
| 20 Feb 2007 6:06 pm
Reviewer: Jan_AQ (Signed)
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Awww, nice one shot. I really liked Harry's inner monolouge of thoughts. That was done very well. Later on, Snape's reactions and questions seemed a little off. I think maybe there weren't enough discriptions during that time, physically. maybe. Nice fic, thanks for sharing! :)