Title: Unexpected Appreciation
| 29 May 2011 7:07 pm
Reviewer: Phoenixa Nymphadora (Anonymous)
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Oh the irony...haha Lucius Malfoy...oh karma is a bish. Also, awwwww about Harry craving that look of pride that most fathers have when thinking of their sons. I hope that Snape will come to love and be proud of Harry one day.
Title: New Developments
| 29 May 2011 6:47 pm
Reviewer: Phoenixa Nymphadora (Anonymous)
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lol Realllll smart Harry. My god, the child sure knows how to mess up! And now Snape is going to have to some how find a way to rectify the situation all the while keeping his position as spy and making sure he and Harry don't get killed. Though i'm sure he wants to kill Harry himself right now lol
Title: The Christmas Present
| 29 May 2011 6:28 pm
Reviewer: Phoenixa Nymphadora (Anonymous)
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Erg, this Snape troubles me so. He's awful to Harry and he holds such anger at Dumbledore, but Dumbledore had more than enough reason to obliviate him. I mean look how Snape acts! I hope he becomes a better father soon. He can't be possessive over Harry, but hate him too. Your story is intriguing!
Title: Ulterior Motives
| 29 May 2011 4:53 pm
Reviewer: Phoenixa Nymphadora (Anonymous)
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Wow....Snape is a HUGE git.
Btw, I was out swimming (which I don't get to do often at all), but I couldn't wait to get home so I could continue this fic! You're a good writer!
Title: Blind Spots
| 29 May 2011 1:20 pm
Reviewer: Phoenixa Nymphadora (Anonymous)
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Snapes being a looooooser! XD I totally agree with Dumbledoredore bliviatin' him. I sincerely doubt Severus will be able to control his "I hate Potters." tendencies too soon. He needs to grow up. And, it's sad that he cares more about the headmaster obliviating him, than he does about the fact that he has a son.
Oh well, i'm sure things will get better. This is only chapter 2 of 45.
Also, I think you should probably put better warnings up for your story. Like the bit between Sev and Lily, it's sexual and I know it's not as graphic as smut would be, but someone who may have a past of sexual abuse or something would deserve to have a bit of a warning before reading that. It is common courtesy.
Title: EPILOGUE: The Thorny Path
| 19 Mar 2011 4:11 am
Reviewer: lisa_tid (Anonymous)
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An absolutely brilliant story and I'm shocked it haven't gotten more reviews! I have never thought of Snape quite the way you show him in this story, but I buy it completely. When you wrote that their relationship would take time, I have to say I wasn't sure I would hold out. Well, I did, and I finished the whole thing in two days. Thank you!
Title: Something New In The Air
| 23 Feb 2011 10:15 pm
Reviewer: Slegend (Signed)
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All your chapters are so very clever, but THIS one, is your cleverest one!
The conversation btwn Snape and Harry...I was riveted! Harry's careful line of reasoning about Snape and Snape's father well that was nothing short of genious...I'm simply blown away.
Thank-you, I haven't read something this Brilliant in a very long time.
I loved Hagrid's cameo- very in character and absolutely endearing- and the Severus/Minerva/Harry interaction. The potions scene is beatifully portrayed and I loved how you described Severus' emotions on seeing the potion change
Title: An Objective Outsider
| 18 Aug 2010 12:25 pm
Reviewer: Morgana (Signed)
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I really like the way in which you've portrayed Harry, from his reaction towards the news that Snape is his father, to his interaction with McGonagall. I thought the idea that Harry would use the cupboard as his metaphorical 'safe place' was inspired and I love the idea of Voldemort running off with a stewardess lol!
Title: An Unfortunate Genetic Relationship
| 18 Aug 2010 12:22 pm
Reviewer: Morgana (Signed)
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I really loved how you've written this chapter; seeing the situation from first Harry's perspective, then Severus gives a really interesting insight into the characters thoughts and emotions. I also like the dynamic you've created between the Gryffs- their conversation felt very natural and realistic