Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For In Blood Only
Title: EPILOGUE: The Thorny Path 04 Dec 2008 8:54 pm
Reviewer: Morgan (Anonymous) [Report This]
    You should really make a sequil. Perhaps one where Draco learns of his past and is friends and perhaps lovers with Harry.
Title: All For Harry 29 Nov 2008 9:13 pm
Reviewer: Ponytail Goddess (Anonymous) [Report This]
    You know, I'm really surprised that Snape didn't take Draco with him to poison him, as was his original plan before Harry burst into the potions lab. He could have put Malfoy Senior in his place easily if his son was at risk too (though the poison would eventually kill Draco). I'm really shocked that Snape is not going that direction.

Title: The Offer 29 Nov 2008 6:10 pm
Reviewer: Ponytail Goddess (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Hi there. You know, I've read this fic before but I'm not sure that I ever commented on it and wanted to make sure I did so. This is so much more interesting than the average Severitus--I love how evil your Snape is. He's so horrible and you bring out the death eater in him. I especially liked the scene where you had Harry watching Snape shove Lucius' head underwater over and over and Harry realizes that Snape is truly capable of horrible things.

    This is a very interesting and well written fanfic and I'm enjoying it a lot.

Title: Something New In The Air 24 Jun 2008 12:09 pm
Reviewer: Blue Moon (Signed) [Report This]
    Aww i have to say that the ending was so sweet, i love this story it's very original and like no ff i have ever read befor (and i've read a few)
Title: EPILOGUE: The Thorny Path 21 Feb 2008 12:57 pm
Reviewer: lisas_castle (Signed) [Report This]
    Wow, awesome story! I just came across it, late I know, but it's definitely one of my faves! :)
Title: EPILOGUE: The Thorny Path 30 Jan 2008 4:22 pm
Reviewer: rosemaryeve (Anonymous) [Report This]
    fabulous story, I just loved it. You write wonderfully.I have seen this recc'ed many times and I now understand why.
Title: EPILOGUE: The Thorny Path 04 Oct 2007 1:17 am
Reviewer: Aonadharcach (Signed) [Report This]
    Thanks so much for this excellent fic! I very much enjoyed the way you characterized Snape and his attitude and the way Harry worked with him because and in spite of it. :)
Title: EPILOGUE: The Thorny Path 11 Sep 2007 3:41 am
Reviewer: PepperLime (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I was really impressed with this fic. I'm relatively new to this fandom but have read a lot of fic in my time, and kind of rolled my eyes at the father-son concept. But this story hooked me from the beginning, and I was shocked to keep hurrying back to it to try and get to the end. I really couldn't put it down.

    Your characters are very canon, I think; I'm glad that your Snape is the same calculating, bitter, and ultimately loyal character we see straight through til book 7. Your Harry is fascinating; he really is full of pain at causing pain to so many around him - a fully realistic look at what could happen to someone who has lost so much.

    In some respects, it was hard to read - Lucius Malfoy is truly a bastard, and the characterizations of Lily and James were seriously painful to read, but I was really impressed with your plot and the way you were able to carry it across 45 (!) chapters woven in with the character development. Lucius and Bellatrix deserved every bit of their pain - and it is testament to your characterization of Snape that he killed her directly, rather than simply manipulating her death. She'd hurt his son.

    Snape is a wonderfully uncomfortable character, both in canon and in this story. His "mercy" for Draco - to lose all memory, to not have to live with what he'd done - is terrible but true. And truly, Draco bonding with Lupin is one of the most amusing images ever. :)

    Great story - truly funny in parts, a sharp tense plot, and touching without being maudlin or ever out of character. Bravo!
Title: Betrayal 25 Aug 2007 6:57 pm
Reviewer: DancingHorses (Signed) [Report This]
    Apparently, Harry underwent the entire torture session with Belatrix, on his back in the chair with his arms pinned under him.

    Also, why didn't Belatrix think it strange that Voldemort's memory of her bragging about killing Tonks was in Harry's mind?
Title: The Dangerous Game 24 Aug 2007 12:57 am
Reviewer: DancingHorses (Signed) [Report This]
    I love the dynamic between Lucius, Harry, and Snape in this chapter.

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