Septimus eh? Gotta love the way you slipped that in there so casually. :)
Re: Chapter 16, Assistance
Imagine Lucius, with his perfect manners, spending an entire day with someone and not once asking him his name.
Just a question. I have read this story amoung many others, and i cannot remember what story I read that has harry singing rage against the machine. is this one it?
Wow. I stopped reading this awhile ago because it was slow in update . . . well, not stopped, really, just waited until more was up, but I'm really glad I came back to it. This story defines 'beautifully dark' in many ways. Personally, I believe this is one of the closest interpretations of Snape to Rowling's (from what we know about him so far) for one of these stories. It was absolutely perfect, including the ending (I know I'm TERRIBLE at ending stories). 100 points to . . . whatever house your sorted in!
Ohmigosh! Ohmigosh, I didn't expect that! I like this twist! :D This is going to be very interesting! *big grin* haha
Title: A Territorial Dispute
| 25 Jan 2007 10:26 pm
Reviewer: ddamato (Signed)
| [Report This]
This chapter is better than the last! Cheers to great writing! *big grin* haha
I'm loving this story the more I read! *big grin*
The end of this chapter was amusing--haha! I never would have guessed that Malfoy would discover Harry--but wasn't he under the the disillusionment charm?
I like the idea of Harry and Tonks. I mean, I never thought about it, but she's very young.
I really liked this chapter a lot. Got a little emotional there, but nothing I couldn't handle. ;) hahaha
Dumbledore bashing! I heard that phrase somewhere, so I thought that this was the right time to use it... I think, haha. Good job on the story. I think I may add it to my favorites. :)