Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For In Blood Only
Title: The Memory 10 Nov 2006 7:53 pm
Reviewer: Mrs_Morbid_Snape (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I really liked you story. I have seen it a lot and finally I got to read it. I hope the next story you write is as good as this. I would be sure to read it.
Title: The Memory 07 Nov 2006 10:57 pm
Reviewer: Karen (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I am truly awed by your powers......................I read this more faithfully than the origional fics  That says something for your writing skills kiddo.  You are good..It was a true pleasure reading you.  Thanks
Title: EPILOGUE: The Thorny Path 12 Oct 2006 11:54 pm
Reviewer: Rezallia (Anonymous) [Report This]

    While I'm very put out that this fic is ending, I still am in awe of you.  If you have any doubt of my undying devotion, feel free to peruse my previous reviews.  I feel like too much of a lapdog right now to speak rapturously about your glorious writing.  Oops... I just did it again, didn't I?


Title: Traitors and Fools 12 Oct 2006 11:36 pm
Reviewer: Rezallia (Anonymous) [Report This]

    ZOMG!  Snape is awesome.  And Harry, in all of his Slytherin!ness was quite entertaining as well.  You rock.  Snape rocks. (yes, I know... blasphemy again) Harry rocks.  (not blasphemy, of course) You've done a great job.  ::sigh:: And Snape is STILL in character.  You are a wonder...

Title: The Worst Trap 12 Oct 2006 7:55 pm
Reviewer: Rezallia (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Oh, Snape!  Oh, Harry!  Even though this chapter did not bode well for Snape and Harry, it was just so sweet!  Yes, I just used the word "sweet" in reference to Severus Snape.  I must be insane.  Or I must have a psychotic death-wish.  :)
Title: Changing Tides 12 Oct 2006 12:33 am
Reviewer: Rezallia (Anonymous) [Report This]

    Oh... Maybe Snape should botch Lupin's wolfsbane, eh?  I think so... Arse. 

Title: The Visitor 12 Oct 2006 12:22 am
Reviewer: Rezallia (Anonymous) [Report This]
    AWWWWWWW...  You pulled off sentimental!Snape... without sacrificing the imperative facets of the character... you should feel proud!  :)
Title: Flying 11 Oct 2006 11:34 pm
Reviewer: Rezallia (Anonymous) [Report This]

    OH MY GOSH!  LUPIN IS SUCH A JACK-A-- Oh... profanity...uh... nevermind.  ::mumbles:: jackass... er... oops.  And, wow, you have molded Snape well, and he is VERY in-character... I could do without some of the more...graphic... scenes, but that's life.  You can't remain sheltered all your life, you know.  Lo que sea. 

     Very interesting and expressive story.   And... is it bad that I was so intrigued by Lucius?  And...hey... what's wrong with pretty boys?  Don't hate them 'cause they're beautiful.  I mean, honestly, don't begrudge them their happiness!!! :)

    Anyway, I really like how this is turning out.  It's very believable.  and... Snape-ish.  The length is awesome because I doubt Snape would be like...."Wow, I've been such a jerk.  You know, I don't think it's a very good lifestyle... Maybe I should quit being so mean and sarcastic to Potter... and smoking.  I should quit smoking too."  That's how some stories are... I do like how they expedite the situation... SOMETIMES, but I really like the way you've been doing it. :)

Title: EPILOGUE: The Thorny Path 11 Oct 2006 9:18 pm
Reviewer: belladonna (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Perfect. Simply amazing. And the ending was so...fitting. I like that you kept it simple.
Title: EPILOGUE: The Thorny Path 07 Oct 2006 11:39 pm
Reviewer: LinerRocks (Signed) [Report This]

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