Title: Flying
| 11 Oct 2006 11:34 pm
Reviewer: Rezallia (Anonymous)
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OH MY GOSH! LUPIN IS SUCH A JACK-A-- Oh... profanity...uh... nevermind. ::mumbles:: jackass... er... oops. And, wow, you have molded Snape well, and he is VERY in-character... I could do without some of the more...graphic... scenes, but that's life. You can't remain sheltered all your life, you know. Lo que sea.
Very interesting and expressive story. And... is it bad that I was so intrigued by Lucius? And...hey... what's wrong with pretty boys? Don't hate them 'cause they're beautiful. I mean, honestly, don't begrudge them their happiness!!! :)
Anyway, I really like how this is turning out. It's very believable. and... Snape-ish. The length is awesome because I doubt Snape would be like...."Wow, I've been such a jerk. You know, I don't think it's a very good lifestyle... Maybe I should quit being so mean and sarcastic to Potter... and smoking. I should quit smoking too." That's how some stories are... I do like how they expedite the situation... SOMETIMES, but I really like the way you've been doing it. :)