Title: The Memory
| 23 Sep 2005 8:35 pm
Reviewer: Crazy (Anonymous)
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Oops, apparently I was looking at the wrong review box, still that hasn't changed my opinion of this fic. I look forward to more.
Title: The Memory
| 23 Sep 2005 8:33 pm
Reviewer: Crazy (crazyboutkvz@yahoo.com) (Anonymous)
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This is such a wonderful read, I can't believe you only have 11 reviews! You had me captured right from the start. A wonderful way to illustrating how, no matter the circumstances, it’s hard to change.
I hope you can find the time, not to mention the right leverage, to get your muses running again so that we can see how this exceptional fic ends!
Thank you for posting it.
Title: Harry
| 30 Jul 2005 5:22 pm
Reviewer: Nearly_normal (Anonymous)
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I found your story via the potions and snitches livejournal community. From the moment I started reading until I got to this last chapter (33) I could not stop thinking about the story. I love it! You've gotten the characters down to a tee and I keep forgetting that this isn't J.K. Rowling's actual story. I almost wish it were, though... Anyway, this is great and I cannot wait for the next installment!!!
Title: Harry
| 11 Jul 2005 4:31 pm
Reviewer: kw (Anonymous)
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i am enjoying your story i cant wait for the then part
Title: An Objective Outsider
| 06 Jul 2005 12:46 pm
Reviewer: Mariposa (Anonymous)
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Wow! I love this story and that thier hearts hearts won't magically soften up to each other quickly! You have alot of great one liners that catch my attention and imagination! One at the end that I like: " Oh, he begged to differ. This didn't have to be real. Not if he didn't let it."
Title: The Memory
| 21 Jun 2005 5:58 pm
Reviewer: jemu (Anonymous)
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WOw. Rare is it that a story such as this captures my attention. I commend your skills truly because this was quite a page turner for lack of better words. You have left me stunned speechless with the quality of your characters. I applaude your Lucius character. I loved how you went about displaying his actions and emotions, heck I loved how you presented him period! I don't usually read these types of storys but this just caught and held my attention to the point where i just HAD to know what was going to happen. A job well done and I look forward to the conclusion of this piece!!
HOLY COW! This story has more twists than a roller coaster! I don't know where you come up with it!!
Please update soon! I want to know what Harry's reaction is when everything comes out about Tonks!! ;)
Title: Harry
| 14 Jun 2005 12:38 am
Reviewer: Bri (Anonymous)
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Hey I have really been enjoying this fanfic. I hope that you update really soon I think you shoujuld most definatley keep this going it is awesome!
Title: Harry
| 03 Jun 2005 11:50 pm
Reviewer: Footmonster (Anonymous)
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I love this story! It is perhaps my favorite of all the ones that I have read--and I have read many, many, MANY. I see that you have been criticized for letting the animosity between Snape and Harry last a while, but I like what you have done; Harry and Snape would not immediately love each other, and I think that you have done an excellent--if not the best that I have seen--job in writing the story as you have with the continued, strained relationship. I shall now go to ff.net to read the next two chapters. You rock! :D Smiles and teacakes to thee!
Title: An Objective Outsider
| 02 Jun 2005 2:21 pm
Reviewer: Footmonster (Anonymous)
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"The Dark Lord had renounced violence and wanted to meet for tea."
"Voldemort had... botulism. That had to be it."
LOL! I know that the story is serious, but those lines just threw me into laughter. I must read more! Onto the next chapter I go!