Title: Harry
| 30 May 2005 7:19 pm
Reviewer: amanda (Anonymous)
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Title: Harry
| 30 May 2005 7:19 pm
Reviewer: amanda (Anonymous)
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WOW! This is a really great fic! However, I would like to explain why I reated it at a five. See even though I like it that you're doing it really originally by not making Harry and Snape get along right away I feel that you have prolonged it unnessisarily.
I think that perhaps you need to start easing into the Harry/Sanpe Father/Son relationship to simply give it a more interesting spin.
this was my fave. chapter so far because it really showed emotion really well. I espeshialy liked that you had Remus kinda blameing Harry but then trying to deny the feelings even from himself. That was really originall please keep it up. I think that Harry and Remus have a lot of work to do before Harry will be able to forgive Remus again and vice versa. The same thing with Snape and Harry.
I would really like to start to see some Harry and Snape bonding like I said but you've done a fantastic job so far and I know you'll keep it up please update soon!
Title: Harry
| 16 May 2005 4:53 am
Reviewer: Sarah Lotus (Anonymous)
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Ooh, you've put it up here, too! *grins* I've been following this on FFN (and I still will, since P & S doesn't have author alerts yet, sadly!) but I thought I'd leave you a review here, since you don't have too many and this story deserves heaps.
I sound like I'm 15, sorry, I don't have time to proofread. It occurs to me that one of the major things still between Severus and Harry is the name "Potter"; once Sev can bring himself to use "Harry", they will start to see eye to eye more. "Potter" is like a huge wall between them. You knew that, of course; you're putting it there deliberately, that's just my random intelligent thought for the day.
One last note--You may not have realised, but every chapter beyond 5 is titled "The Memory" here. I guess it defaults to the chapter one title? I thought I'd point it out so you could fix it. ;)
Title: Harry
| 15 May 2005 4:18 pm
Reviewer: Kateri (Anonymous)
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Ah, more of my fav story, great chapters, great story, keep it coming
Title: An Objective Outsider
| 10 May 2005 4:05 pm
Reviewer: nancy in chicago (Anonymous)
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I was at another site, where there are 33 chapters up for this story... Please either update it here or direct others to that site, because this is a really good story!
Title: The Memory
| 10 Mar 2005 11:08 pm
Reviewer: Dominar (Anonymous)
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I love that you're not going with the cliches and having Harry and Snape instantly bond, etc. *gags*
I'm not sure I buy Lily's reasoning, but since we don't really know much about her (other than what others have said), I can wave my hands and go with it. :)
Title: The Memory
| 18 Feb 2005 3:52 pm
Reviewer: Jenn (Anonymous)
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Title: An Unfortunate Genetic Relationship
| 04 Feb 2005 8:04 am
Reviewer: Sarah (Anonymous)
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I like where this is going! It would be incredibly out of character for Harry to cry "daddy" and run into Snape's arms, as so many of these fics seem to do. I'll be happy with the mutual hatred as long as you care to perpetuate it--it makes the eventual understanding all the sweeter. I hope you update soon. :)
Title: An Unfortunate Genetic Relationship
| 29 Jan 2005 12:19 am
Reviewer: Jasmine (Anonymous)
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Again, a very good chapter. I'm interested to see how you continue this. I hope you update frequently. Good luck