Reviews For In Blood Only
One think that I think should happen is you putting "Sexual content" warnings above chapters that go into sex and innuendos. I mentioned this in my first review, and I mention it once more with hopes that you will put up a warning. It would do well for many people. I really loved this story. It's definitely not your typical Snape (as father) story! I'm glad in the end Lucius died, as well as Bella, and Snape is so close to the Dark Lord and I know he will tear apart the ranks of the Dark Lord from the inside and ultimately defeat the Dumb Lord! Yooz Clever...I'd say you have Ravenclaw and Slytherin blood in you...
God, i'd hate to be on Snape's bad side. All those Death Eaters that changed their mind about intervening were extremely smart, Snape is freegin crazy!Oh but I love himmmmm! loool XD
Also, in cannon, Harry's invisibility cloak can't be summoned.
I love that Harry called him "Father". And thank God, Mione's back!
I'm glad Harry is starting to like Snape, but I can't help but think that that was the worse timing EVER to look at Snape with all that loving trust and warmth.
Good job Snape for being a good, though unconventional parent!
Well...Harry's life can't ever be easy lol
I admire his Gryffindor heart and courage, but if your friend is lying unconscious in the middle of a battle that Death Eaters are clearly getting the upper hand in, pray to your deity and get the hell out of there. Either way, I hope everyone ends up ok, including Tonks and Remus. Snape is going to be pissed about this...Death Eaters trying to kill HIS son. Also, another reviewer hinted that Snape should fudge Lupin's Wolfsbane potion because of what Lupin said. I think that's very cruel to do to someone that saved your son's life in the heat of the battle, and even keeped him from going BACK out to the battlefield because of his Gryffindor-ness, even if it would take a toll on him emotionally. Tampering with Wolfsbane potion can KILL the person or effect their mental state quite horribly. That's incredibly rude to do to someone after they saved someone's life that you care about. I think Harry has had enough rejection and emotional breakdowns, but honestly, one more wouldn't hurt if it saves his life. Hopefully they all get out of this icky situation and back to the school ok, or Lupin's comment did nothing. Dun dun dun dunnnnnnnnn 0_o |
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