Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Chapter 15 - He Lied 12 Jul 2008 11:22 pm
Reviewer: Sara (Anonymous) [Report This]
    There's a lot to comment on in this chapter, and I only have a little time, but I wanted to say this...

    I loved hearing the conversation between Snape and McGonagall. It was the first time we really got to see Snape's side of things and how it can be tough for him to know what to do. He does expect a lot out of Harry, and I think McGonagall helps remind him that Harry is still just a child and is going to make mistakes. Actually the conversation between them sort of reminded me of a conversation between Harry and Snape. I liked the advice she gave to him. =)
Title: Chapter 15 - He Lied 12 Jul 2008 9:25 pm
Reviewer: Kelly (Anonymous) [Report This]
    OMG I love Harry in this chapter, i can so imagine him coming out with his feelings like that!
    I like to to think snape would talk to mG about harry. And every one hates it when their parents do that!
    Great two chapters!!!
    Please update soon
    i was thinking about your story earlier today and i was wondering if you would NEVER Update!
    yay!!! YOU DID!
Title: Chapter 15 - He Lied 12 Jul 2008 7:44 pm
Reviewer: ReginaCaeli (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Yes! another chapter,thank you sooo much,poor Harry,poor Snape they were so miserable, I'm glad they got it figured out(for now at least)because you have a unique talent for making this reader feel what your characters are feeling, I was rather down for most of this chapter. Great Job!
Title: Chapter 14 - Loyal 05 Jul 2008 11:01 pm
Reviewer: Scorpia (Signed) [Report This]
    I want more please! Please ma'am, may i have some more? Lol. There were a few mispelt words, said, stomach and another were spelt wrong just so you know. I enjoyed this a lot, thanks.
Title: Chapter 13 - Picnic 05 Jul 2008 10:46 pm
Reviewer: Scorpia (Signed) [Report This]
    I smiled through the first part of the story, my face hurts now, lol. It was wondereful, I simply can not wait to read the next chapter so I'll go do that now!
Title: Chapter 12 - A DA Meeting 05 Jul 2008 10:34 pm
Reviewer: Scorpia (Signed) [Report This]
    Wow! What a GREATchapter. Harry's speech during the DA meeting made me proud of him, lol. And hermione sugesting a picnic made me laugh out loud literally. It's great! I CAN NOT WAIT FOR MORE! Harry's line about levitating Draco's dead body still has me laughing when I think about it. He's brilliant. I adore the way you write him. The last part with Snape, leaving him gaping. That was bloody brilliant, I love surprising Snape. I can not wait to see if Harry and Draco kill each other--I mean, how well they get along, lol.
Title: Chapter 11 - Sore 05 Jul 2008 10:18 pm
Reviewer: Scorpia (Signed) [Report This]
    Draco! Yay, I luv my Draco, hehe. 'Lied, lied, lied - the man was a nasty, rotten, horrid lair.' I think you meant liar but I may be wrong, maybe calling someonee a lair is just some bad name that my parents have never let mer here? LOL, probably not. It was great! I have been looking forward to reading all your updates, :)
Title: Chapter 14 - Loyal 30 Jun 2008 9:44 am
Reviewer: pearlk9 (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Dear pdantzler,
    I have been reading your story and it’s prequel A Time and a Place to Grow but this is the first time I have sent you a review. I want to tell you that you are a wonderful writer and I have looked forward to reading all your stories either at this site and other sites. This new chapter of A Time and a Place to Learn --- WOW!!! Intense is to mild a word for this chapter.

    In my mind Harry has 3(at least) things he needs to apologize to Snape for. First, as you wrote by Harry taking the blame for Worty, he is showing him a bad example that it is ok not to take responsibility for your mistakes. This goes further because Snape is Worty’s Head of House, he is Worty’s Hogwort “parent” for the next 6 years. With Worty’s guilty feelings about this incident, he will probably not seek Snape out for advice or help as he should have and who knows how this will affect his entire school career.

    Next, Harry is still lying to Snape after all they have been through over the summer and this school year so far to develop a good relationship. Snape is not the enemy and each time Harry lies to him they have to spend time again and again repairing that relationship instead of making it stronger to fight Voldemot. Also by lying, Harry is showing his friends that he doesn’t completely trust Snape either so they are still going to have doubts about him especially Ron.

    Lastly, Harry has always yearned for a Home, a Family and a Father. By Snape adopting him, Harry now has all of those things and he should be loyal to the man who has made whose yearnings possible. At the end of your story A Time and a Place to Grow just before Harry gets on the train to go back to Hogworts, Snape tells him to remember 2 things “you are my Son now and I love you”. Harry needs to not only apologize to Snape, he needs to apologize to his Father.

    I’m going to patiently wait (or not) for your next chapter to see what happens.


    Author's Response: That's a lot for poor Harry to have to keep up with - hopefully I can remember them all when I write the next chapter. I'm glad you reviewed - writers always like to know that people apprecaite out stuff or at least that they're reading. I promise to write again as soon as I can. Thanks!
Title: Chapter 14 - Loyal 30 Jun 2008 12:17 am
Reviewer: Jen77 (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Awesome chapter! Poor Snape. What is with Harry? Why does he keep lying? I think he will be feeling like a toad once the guilt sets in. Harry will be begging for that spanking a lot sooner than he thinks.
Title: Chapter 14 - Loyal 29 Jun 2008 4:03 am
Reviewer: ReginaCaeli (Anonymous) [Report This]
    WOW! I loved this chapter,I've read it three times today (LOL) I am so looking forward to the "Harry figuring out what to do" part.

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