Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Chapter 14 - Loyal 28 Jun 2008 12:35 am
Reviewer: celestialuna (Signed) [Report This]
    good chapter.
Title: Chapter 13 - Picnic 28 Jun 2008 12:17 am
Reviewer: celestialuna (Signed) [Report This]
    good chapter.
Title: Chapter 14 - Loyal 27 Jun 2008 12:35 pm
Reviewer: kreacher (Signed) [Report This]
    poor old harry he is dammed if he does and dammed if he don't with snape, he wasn't doing any harm only trying to protect worty, worty has grown on me and i would like to give him a hug and what a punishment harry has waiting for him, i think he should get it over with soon, i know i wouldn't want that hanging over my head
Title: Chapter 14 - Loyal 27 Jun 2008 11:53 am
Reviewer: Keats (Signed) [Report This]
    It is amazing that when Harry was first being punished he actually started having hateful feelings towards Snape, not dad not Sev but Snape it was as if all their time together did not happen, Harry actually called him a cruel sadistic monster (because Harry knew he did nothing wrong – but clearly forgetting that Sev did not know this and that Harry himself had lied to him). But Sev realized that something was wrong, he knows his son, he knew that something was not right and I think that part of why Harry got spanked after is that he forced his father to severely punish him for something that he did not do and it made Sev feel like a monster. What Harry did in trying to protect Worty is accused Sev of being a monster and Harry almost made him become that… which is really not what their relationship has been – Sev has been a loving kind father to Harry and I am sure it broke Sev’s heart when he realized that Harry still thought of him like that. Harry does have a lot of thinking to do and when he does he will realize how much he has hurt his dad who loves him very much and he will admit that he deserves more than 30 with the hairbrush

    Author's Response: I'm glad you saw it, too. I was afraid the argument between Snape and Harry was too confusing and convoluted, but you obviously got all the points I wanted to make. I will be writing more on this soon, hoepfully.
Title: Chapter 14 - Loyal 27 Jun 2008 11:29 am
Reviewer: Lady Julie Snape (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Well that was... unexpected. But I really, really enjoyed it.

    I hope Harry doesn't avoid his father forever - I'd hate to see their new relationship die because of it. And... I know Draco is in this story and really I have no problem with it but I'm going to ask anyway. Is this going to turn into a story surrounding Harry and Severus and Draco?

    Update soon.

    Lady Jewels Snape.
Title: Chapter 14 - Loyal 27 Jun 2008 9:07 am
Reviewer: Silent_Soliloquy318(not signed in) (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Oops, I wrong thank.....lol I meant thank her every day lol..I need to start proofreading my reviews for typos!
Title: Chapter 14 - Loyal 27 Jun 2008 9:03 am
Reviewer: Silent_Soliloquy318(not signed in) (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I agree with Jade irrevocably. Professor Snape acted exactly how my mother would in the same situation for the most part. She thought lying was one of the worst things--I usually got my rear tanned for lying about the deed than going through with it. I could feel Snape's reluctance to go through with the spanking after the confession, but it was something that needed to be done. When my sister got a spanking I used to close my ears and eyes tight--I see the same action in Harry. I liked it that Worty apologized to Harry for having him lie for him and not facing Snape on his own terms. As a result--I despise lying any kind myself and I am almost always truthful (unless to protect someone, ironically from harm) Harry will learn with time and really appreciate Snape's guidance and disciplinary matters. I think my mother every day. Sorry if I put too many examples of my own history in here; I tend to relate by similarity and identification with characters. :) Great job on the brilliant characterization, the intense interaction, showing the precious familial bond between them, and the gut wrenching emotions. I give this a full ten.

    PS-I was gone quite awhile and it's good to be back. :D

    Author's Response: I love when people respond to my writing with memories of their own childhood. It's always interesting to see what happened to people as children. I don't like lying either, and when the kids I nanny for lie, I send them straight to time-out until they can come out and tell the truth. Thanks for reading.
Title: Chapter 14 - Loyal 27 Jun 2008 8:21 am
Reviewer: Jade_Sullivan (Signed) [Report This]
    There were several moments that really struck me...(no pun intended)...in this story. It was much more intense and meaningful than the previous chapters have been--it sort of felt like that "I will always love you" that you sprang on us readers at the end of ATAPTG. You know...that moment where we all got clogged up with tears. *shakes head* Darn it, Perry.

    Anyway, Snape's intensity was the first things that affected me while reading. I knew that Harry was going to get spanked, and I was even pretty sure that he was going to give himself up and Worty would *still* get a spanking regardless. But I was not expecting Snape's emotional reaction, and that hit me really hard. You wrote him so well in this chapter.

    My favorite moment was when Harry gave Worty a hug:

    "Worty did not have to be told twice; he rushed towards Harry and wrapped his arms around the older boy as he sniffed, 'I'm sorry, Harry. Really, really sorry.'

    Harry gave Snape an agonized look, and Snape nodded once. Harry immediately dropped his arms down to hug the little boy."

    **the agonized look that Harry gave Snape was really heart wrenching, because it was a perfect description of Harry's character in a nutshell. He hates watching others suffer, and he'd rather take the blame than allow an eleven year old to be punished.

    I think that he'll actually give in more quickly than he thinks he will in regard to the thirty he has coming. The guilt and anticipation will force him to really think about what he's done. Normally, I don't like it when adults make kids wait for their punishments, as it causes more problems than it cures. But in this case, it'll be good for Harry, because that's something he has a hard time doing: thinking before he plunges into something.

    And finally, I loved Snape's blunt exclamation of his loyalty and devotion to Harry. It makes perfect sense for him to be so upset over Harry's lie and distrust, as in this story, it really *is* like he's failed.

    Really terrific job on this chapter, Perry! And thank you for updating so quickly, especially when your allergies have flared up (I'm battling my own at the moment, as well).

    Author's Response:

    Ah, Jade, look what all you said about my little story. I was afraid you might this chapter too intense - I was wincing as I wrote it - but you seemed to enjoy along with other readers. I did feel like this story was getting a little too light-hearted and happy so bam! I slam you with angst.

    Thanks for reading!

Title: Chapter 13 - Picnic 19 Jun 2008 11:51 am
Reviewer: Elphaba (Signed) [Report This]
    Wow! Good Chapter! Loved the Worty twist!
Title: Chapter 13 - Picnic 19 Jun 2008 4:38 am
Reviewer: Foolish Wishmaker (Signed) [Report This]
    This isn't a real review, I just saw something about slash controversy and my curiosity got the best of me. :-)

    I've found that with slash and with argued-about het pairings, you pretty much have to state that you're going to do it before you even begin. It's annoying, but seems to avoid problems.

    Harry/Draco isn't one of the pairings I like (in fact I don't ship any of the younger characters, het or slash), but at least as a slasher I wouldn't be upset to have a story suddenly turn a Harry and Draco friendship into a relationship. However, a sudden infusion of Harry/Ginny always annoys me greatly, so I understand those people who get upset.

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