Reviews For A Time and Place to Learn
I have a difficult time believing that Snape will let Harry off, even if he knows that Worty really did it. But then again, I think it will be interesting to see if Harry can even bring himself to lie to Snape after all they've been through. He's got to develop the respect sometime... I could see Harry stumbling around his lie and then giving himself up, inevitably begging Snape to go easy on Worty. I can't wait to see how this turns out. However you write it, it'll be brilliant and enjoyable. As for the slash opinion, I vote no. This is one of the only stories where I can stomach Draco, and I think it has a lot to do with his and Harry's relationship--they're like brothers. Making it a slash fic would completely change it, and I think you'd lose a lot of readers, unfortunately. Author's Response: Thank you and everyone else who has weighed in one this matter. Most of the urges I got for slash were from fanfic.net, but to be honestly, Potions and Snitches was the first place I even posted my writing and I agree with everything you have said in this matter. Therefore, this story will remain Gen and I will have to tell the other people to read something else. I appreciate the feedback and will start writing soon. Perry
On the issue of Slash, it is, I feel, completely random. Truthfully, I was begining to view Draco as an older brother to Harry, to protect him from doing stupid things where Harry is alas at a loss to protect himself [for the sake of others] Other's first seems to be the Griffy theme but Draco's in slytherin and well he knows when to save his own hide. [especially from Snape ;)] I think we should see more Harry becoming infatuated, I think the Harry/Ginny ship should be introduced in a way that it's really just a crush nothing too, well off the hook especially for a fic like this one! Thanks for being an amazing writer P! JD
You finally updated okay, where does this whole slash thing come in? I mean who is slashing? Personally I think you should keep slash out of this story Thanks Kel
Personally, I don't think you should make this a slash story. For one thing, you haven't warned us of it until now and it would be really disappointing for those of us who are big fans of this story but are uncomfortable with same-sex pairings. Secondly, I'm assuming when you mention slash you're referring to the Harry/Draco pairing (please correct me if I’m wrong). We know both of these characters are straight, so I don't think it would be in character for them to be together. Not that it can't be done in some stories, but it requires a lot of development with both characters as well as a lot of explanation and careful planning. That's not really the focus of this story and I would hate for you to move it in such a different direction since you've even shown yourself that Harry is interested in girls (during the conversation with Snape in chapter four). Thirdly, I don't think it's what you want to do. You say you might add slash because some people are for it - but is it what you want? Taking suggestions from readers is one thing, but changing major details just for the sake of pleasing people is another. I don't think you've planned on having slash, and unless you feel it necessary, I am strongly for leaving it out. But it's your story and I really think you should take it in the direction you want to go. Please don't compromise your plans just to please any one of us readers. I just wanted to give my opinion on the matter since you asked. Good luck with your decision. =)
At least that's what I think will happen. Poor kid. I like the comedy bit about the basket getting too light and almost floating away as well as the part about Harry admitting to Draco that he thought he would have a girlfriend first. But I am a little confused there because isnt he counting Cho? Update soon! |
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