Title: Chapter 1 - Back to School
| 02 May 2008 8:59 am
Reviewer: Elphaba (Signed)
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I am a quiver with excitement!
Title: Chapter 11 - Sore
| 30 Apr 2008 6:07 pm
Reviewer: balle13 (Anonymous)
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I love your story very much and I have laugh a lot, so thank you so much. I can't wait for the next chapter
Title: Chapter 11 - Sore
| 24 Apr 2008 9:19 pm
Reviewer: Myrrdin (Anonymous)
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Yay update! Yay Draco! Oh, and message to Harry, no blabbing any more secrets or I'll deck you myself!
That said, I must congratulate you once again on this wonderful story and hope that you update again soon!
Title: Chapter 11 - Sore
| 19 Apr 2008 6:59 pm
Reviewer: Sara (Anonymous)
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Great chapter! Ha ha, I loved how Snape made the potion extra nasty. He really will use all means to make Harry listen to him and come to him if something is wrong. The ending was sweet too. Harry felt nervous, but thinking of Snape's words calmed him. You know, neither of them would admit this, but they both care about each other very deeply. Can't wait for the next chapter! =)
Title: Chapter 11 - Sore
| 17 Apr 2008 11:40 am
Reviewer: Lily (Anonymous)
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I have followed your story from the beginning i.e. the first story in the series as well. I love the way you write. I like how you put in the little snippets like Snape praising Harry and saying the part about the potion when Harry was complaining, "But to my son, well, that's my discretion as a father. Open." It's so dad-like. As usual Harry is adorable. Hermione is embarassing with her talk about spanking and then getting all teary eyed about Harry's training. I also like Draco joining the club. It helps us to see that he isn't as bad as we think. Keep writing!
great chapter but not for poor harry, severus is a one man torture chamber, i'm glad he didn't teach p.e at my school. yay the da has begun and i hope malfoy doesn't do anything stupid
I loved this chapter. Harry just pushes and pushes...like endlessly complaining about sore muscles. And then when Severus blasts him with cold water to 'relieve' the soreness, Harry complains some more. LOL. I love him.
I think Madame Moretta should have dealt with Harry's sleeping in her class before she went and told Snape. Should have made him stand or something. She seems to cause endless trouble for Harry; although, I found Severus's threat to have snapped Harry right out of his slump. A bit.
Their banter is always humorous. I loved it when Severus claimed he put in extra black herbs and made the potion extra thick just so Harry could taste it longer. A typical, parental joke that usually has a kid saying, "Yeah, I bet you did..."
I don't know what it is about your stories, but I just feel like I'm watching a movie. And the dialogue always sounds so natural. Your style is so unique, and I love getting notices that you've updated. Thanks for fitting writing into your busy schedule. I appreciate your talent, whenever it's delivered ;)
Whoooo!!! Great last line! Totally unexpected, and great!!
Poor Harry, being all sore. Usually that will last for at least a couple of days. I know. :P If he was bent forward and used weighs to straighten up, his back should be sore the most. I find that stretching helps soreness the most, but it hurts to do it.
I liked how Hermione is all for Harry's new Dad. I think Ron is taking it in charcter-like, but I wonder what his reaction to Harry accepting Draco will be. He still insults them. Is Draco there of his own free will, or did Snape ask, or prompt him to go?
Thanks for the update!! Great chapter and great story!
Title: Chapter 10 - Guilty
| 16 Apr 2008 2:18 am
Reviewer: Jan_AQ (Signed)
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Scary last line!!!
Great chapter!! I feel sorry for Harry's haircut. Maybe he can drink a potion to make his hair grow?