Title: Chapter 3 - Meeting Worty
| 04 Mar 2008 2:29 pm
Reviewer: ddamato (Signed)
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That was funny -- he didn't want Harry to touch him, because Draco told him he would die! xD lol *grin* Good chapter! ^^
Title: Chapter 2 - A Class Act
| 04 Mar 2008 2:28 pm
Reviewer: ddamato (Signed)
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Title: Chapter 1 - Back to School
| 04 Mar 2008 2:23 pm
Reviewer: ddamato (Signed)
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Title: Chapter 9 - Faking
| 25 Feb 2008 12:17 pm
Reviewer: lily (Anonymous)
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Aww, really cute chapter. Harry is so cute I love how Madam Pomfrey kept saying he was delicate and stuff and he was getting offended. I also really liked the way that Snape came in all worried, like a real father would. And Harry was arguing with him after which indicates that he is feeling comfortable enough with Snape to argue with him. It was a really good chapter. Oh and thanks for the update!
Title: Chapter 9 - Faking
| 25 Feb 2008 7:40 am
Reviewer: Eva (Signed)
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Oooh!!! I have been waiting for an update of this story for forever!!!! I love this series and I hope that you get the time to update soon. The Snape and Harry you portray are so adorable and at the same time, realistic. Well, as realistic as they can be, considering they characters in a book that's revolving around magic.-grins-
The last two chapters have been great! I can just see Harry panicking and deciding to fake sick to get out of the situation with Moretta, like anyone might at that age, and then the situation blowing up out of control as it wouldn't had he been anyone else.
I'm so glad that you are still updating this story and I hope you'll post more soon - I am really wanting to know what horrible thing Snape is expecting to happen this year. Harry is so oblivious but you've done a nice job of foreshadowing thru Snape.
Oh - and I really liked Dumbledore's plain speaking moment a couple of chapters back. Nice to see him drop the twinkles for a moment!
I'm so happy you updated! God, it's been forever. Excellent chapter, I loved the scene where Harry was faking scar pain and everyone was panicking, I had to laugh! Can't wait to see what's in store for Harry with this new training, and I hope Harry's hair is saved from a stupid hair-cut, lol. Excellent work, I love your sense of humor in this story and it is very interesting to read. I still don't like that Moretta woman, theres just something about her that miffs me, not sure what. PLEASE post again soon!
Title: Chapter 9 - Faking
| 23 Feb 2008 5:57 pm
Reviewer: lunaz (Anonymous)
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What a great chapter. Love the scene in the hospital wing.
Haha, I loved it all. GREAT job! Their argument was a delight, and the way everyone reacted to his supposed possession was perfect :D