Reviews For A Time and Place to Learn
Seriously, I laughed. It just tumbled right out and then I couldn't finish reading because I was laughing too much, my eyes watering. Heck, I'm still laughing right now. That was too hilarious. That whole conversation at the end was just awesome. I could just feel Harry's wish to just melt away. Okay...still laughing.
Author's Response: I'm so sorry I've seemed to disappear for a while. I will try to get something up shortly. A new semester, teaching a new class, taking two classes, advising, and nannying - I miss the free time I had over the break. But this weekend, one young lady will be taking her laptop to Waffle House and sitting there and getting something done. Thanks for your faithful reading. Perry
I'm not sure if Harry won that round or not! LOL! While he wasn't forced to wait 10 long hours to be punished, being spanked with a hairbrush at 2 AM doesn't sound like much of a victory either! I have to say, I do love how cocky he gets afterwards! Poor Snape, just can't win for losing with that boy sometimes. Now I wonder what ol' Draco is up to! Need I say another brilliant chapter hon! Sorry it took me a bit to review, the site went down and then I only just now realized I'd missed leaving you feedback for it! Tracy
Loving it so far. Update soon!
I loved Harry's attitude the next morning! He was cheeky, but not in a disrespectful way, just a normal teenage boy way. He seems so much happier in this story, which is good after that difficult summer. Whether he would admit it or not, I think having Snape as a guardian has really improved his overall mood. He finally has someone stable and reliable in his life, someone to care about him. It's been good for Harry and I like seeing him happy. There is one thing I'm wondering about. I just re-read 'A Time and Place to Grow' and I noticed Snape's reaction whenever Alice Longbottom was mentioned. Are we going to hear about what happened between her and Snape at all? I know Lucius Malfoy mentioned that she never looked twice at him, but I was wondering if we would get to hear more about it. Snape's mood really seemed to change whenever her name came up, so it would be interesting to know what happened between them. And now it looks like there's going to be a scene with Harry and Draco fighting again. I think Harry'd better watch it and listen to Snape when he says that he wouldn't hesitate to spank Harry again if he needed it. I don't want him to get in trouble so soon. And poor Worty - I feel sorry for that kid. Draco is constantly ordering him around. I hope worty finally gets away from him. Good luck to him and Harry - they're going to need it. Author's Response: Thanks for your comments. I am planning to do something with the Alice Longbottom reference. But I'm bogged down with plots details so it will take a while to do this. I wrote this the start of this series before the seventh book came out so some things in that book will not happen in my story such as the Snape/Lily angle. Thanks again.
You have to update really soon!! -mystical panther
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