Harry's in so much trouble, I see some spanking in his future!
You are truly evil if you leave this cliffhanger for too long;)
he still needs to tell Snape punishment or no.
Title: Chapter 6 - A Saturday
| 23 Oct 2007 5:59 am
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous)
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Wow! That was scary! I mean Snape, not Voldie ^_^ I have a feeling the ruler is going to make an appearance in the next chapter. Or maybe Snape will pick one of those switches you mentioned earlier. Either way, things don't look so good for our dunderheaded little hero. I'm looking forward to more.
Wow. This chapter was worth the wait! I figured Snape knew something about it, but I didn't think he'd straight-up wait that night. I understand your business, but please try to update soon!
Title: Chapter 6 - A Saturday
| 23 Oct 2007 2:33 am
Reviewer: Jan_AQ (Signed)
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Wow, fantastic chapter! That teacher... I'm so worried about her and what she means, and the vision of Voldemort. Is she good? or is she bad? And now, Harry's in trouble, probably deep trouble. Uh oh! What a tease you are to end it there! I'm worried about his invisibility cloak. I wonder how Snape knew Harry left the common room. I loved the vision of Snape waiting in the red armchair, and the fire growing brighter. Great job!
Oh...oh no...Snape can't really blame him for that, can he? He was summoned by a professor after all. Great chapter! I'm glad Snape didn't freak out on Harry abou the whole Draco thing. I thought he was in for it, but this worked out even better.
Good luck with teaching your class, and hopefully you can update again soon!
oh now that's just mean, what a cliffe. Moretta is scaring me just a little, somethings just not right about her. I'm glad that Harry and Severus talked about the spying thing, but Harry should have told Severus about Moretta, because he's going to land in a world full of trouble now. Keep up the awesome work, thanks so much for the update and please please try and update again soon. LES
Title: Chapter 5 - Finally Telling
| 16 Oct 2007 4:56 pm
Reviewer: Puppy (Anonymous)
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Please update soon! I love this story and you left it off on a cliff hanger.
Title: Chapter 5 - Finally Telling
| 11 Oct 2007 9:10 pm
Reviewer: Myrrdin (Anonymous)
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Oh, bugger. I get all happy when I realize that there's another story in this 'verse, then Snape goes and does this. Sheesh....Why do I get the feeling that the new Potions teacher has something to do with Snape? Or even...I swear I stared at the screen when this thought occurred to me and I nearly dismissed it right away...Snape himself under a potion, and if their classes are at the same time, with a time turner. Am I close? Probably far from it, but I thought it might give you a laugh if I was really far off. Wonderful job, dear, and I hope to read more soon. ~Myrrdin