Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Chapter 5 - Finally Telling 29 Sep 2007 10:30 pm
Reviewer: Arwensong (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh, this is so sad, funny, but sad. Poor Snape, screwing up after they did so well, and Harry doing so well in class and seeing Hermione's jealousy flare up and having to tip toe around her and Ron, only to find out that Draco is "spying" on him. It is a testament to how much you make us care that this is so frustrating! I hope it gets worked out soon! Poor Harry and Snape...and Draco too.
Title: Chapter 5 - Finally Telling 28 Sep 2007 2:35 am
Reviewer: curlybean (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh my gosh! I just wrote this long review, but something happened and it didn't post. So, I'll try to remember what I wrote.

    First, welcome back. I know how busy RL can be, but we truly missed you. Isn't it nice to know you haven't been forgotten?

    I loved the chapter. I was a bit surprised with Ron's overall reaction, although I loved how he got all tongue-tied. Typical Ron. I lol at how happy he was that he was the first to know. The fact that that could overshadow the fact that SNAPE ADOPTED HARRY was too funny.

    Hermione is too smart for her own good. How in the world did she figure everything out so quickly? She's scary, isn't she? I loved the fact that she so relentlessly drilled Harry on all that happened. It would have been fun to read that conversation and to see all of Harry's "twenty three white lies and omissions".

    Of course, my favorite part was the Snape/Harry interaction. I can't believe Harry has such a flippant attitude with Snape. Even more so, I can't believe Snape puts up with it as much as he does. If I were Harry, I would mind my P's and Q's forevermore. I definitely wouldn't want any part of Snape's wrath directed towards me. But, then again, I'm not as impulsive or as courageous as Harry.

    Poor Harry. I don't think he would have been as upset if it had been Snape checking up on him. After all, that is what parents do, right? But, for it to be Draco, of all people, had to be the last straw. I can't wait to see what happens between Harry and Draco, or to see Snape's reaction to being called a rotten git. Promises to be exciting.

    Thanks, again, for the update. I hope RL treats you better, so you can find time to write every so often. Take care...
Title: Chapter 5 - Finally Telling 27 Sep 2007 11:40 pm
Reviewer: celestialuna (Signed) [Report This]
    Yay! you updated. Good chapter.
Title: Chapter 5 - Finally Telling 27 Sep 2007 12:47 pm
Reviewer: Jade_Sullivan (Signed) [Report This]
    I wrote you a long review, and when I went to click "submit", a fatal error occurred and it didn't work. I could have thrown the computer out the window. Anyway...I'll retype it:

    First of all, I just knew you'd update. Thanks for continuing your awesome stories even though Grad school is kicking your butt. lol.

    And second of all, Harry is so dead. I'm only too sure that after Harry pummels Draco, Snape will pummel Harry. I would be a bit irritated with someone like Draco trailing me throughout Hogwarts. He's a bit like the wizard version of the Artful Dodger.

    My favorite line of the story came from Hermione this time, believe it or not:

    "Good, you should be confused," Hermione told him. "Normally, I would give you the silent treatment for a week for hiding something this big, and Ron for two days."

    **The fact that she already had the number of days planned out for a potential silent-treatment had me laughing. A lot.

    I'm really looking forward to the next chapter. Thanks so much for the update! I love this story. I love all of your stories, really.
Title: Chapter 5 - Finally Telling 27 Sep 2007 6:33 am
Reviewer: lunaz (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Excellent chapter. The bit about Draco in the end good surprise.
Title: Chapter 5 - Finally Telling 27 Sep 2007 5:32 am
Reviewer: Julie (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I was just about to go to bed, but had this feeling that one of my favorite stories had been updated, and I was right! *squee*

    So Harry finally told Ron and Hermione. It was a bit different from what I thought, though. Ron's reaction was good, so was Hermione's, but I thought Hermione figured out a little too much. I could see her figuring out that Harry had stayed with Snape, but you really didn't explain how she found out about the adoption. Other than that, it was goood. So Harry couldn't tell them about the spankings, huh? I don't really blame him. That would be hard to admit to your friends at that age, no matter how close you are to them. I wonder if he'll tell them in the future.

    And Snape and Harry are fighting. I don't really blame Harry. This time I think he has every right to be mad. Draco spying on him? Snape really didn't think. How would he have liked it if someone had had James spy on him while they were in school? No, I hope Harry doesn't get into trouble for storming out when I think he's totally right to be angry with Snape.

    And you leave it off with him running into Draco. The next chapter should be interesting. I have a feeling it'll be a long talk with Snape, Harry, and Draco. That of Draco and Harry fighting, which is never good for them, but always amusing for us readers. ;-)

    Thanks for the update. I know you're busy, so thanks for not abandoning this story. I really like it!
Title: Chapter 5 - Finally Telling 27 Sep 2007 2:02 am
Reviewer: JMGodfreyIII (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Wow! Harry needs to take a chill pill and pronto!
Title: Chapter 5 - Finally Telling 27 Sep 2007 2:00 am
Reviewer: Jan_AQ (Signed) [Report This]
    WOW! I did NOT see that coming, but it's fantastic! Poor Draco. And seeing him outside the room when Harry leaves - priceless. Wow. Great job! I liked Harry's friends in this, but I like the situation more. Love it. Thanks for the update!
Title: Chapter 5 - Finally Telling 27 Sep 2007 12:24 am
Reviewer: Caramello (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh man! What a chapter. They finally know. And they took it well! :D Happy about that. You read too many stories in which they freak out on him, and those always irritate me. But really, this is so good. I can't believe Snape actually gave Draco permission to spy on him, though. That's pretty low. You'd hope that he had more faith in Harry than that -- I know he and Draco are all buddies now, or whatever, but still... Just because Snape was forced into the spy position doesn't mean that everyone else should be doing it too -- and you think he'd know that! Grrr. Snape. I know he had the best intentions at heart, but that was a poor way of delivering the news in any case.

    I can't WAIT for another update :D
Title: Chapter 5 - Finally Telling 26 Sep 2007 11:08 pm
Reviewer: wisdominart (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh wow. I always forget how fabulous your writing is, especially when I go read some of the other Snape/Harry fics you've inspired. Nothing beats your Snape and Harry, really. I love it!

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