I love your series. I can't wait to see what happens next. Is Warty going to be an important character or just a small roler?
Please update again soon.
Title: Chapter 4 - Our Hero
| 03 Aug 2007 9:18 am
Reviewer: Lisa (Anonymous)
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Hi, I have just read this and your first story and I have really enjoyed it. Thanks so much for sharing and I look forward to updates soon
............... take a look... you posted the chapter twice... in the same chapter. *gigglesnort*
love Snape teasing Harry about girls though. hehe.
awesome chapter! happy that you updated.
Title: Chapter 4 - Our Hero
| 19 Jul 2007 8:28 pm
Reviewer: Tracy (Signed)
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Yeah, a new chapter! And much as I would like to complain about how long it is taking between chapters, unfortunately, I'd be a bit of a hypocrite if I did since I'm not able to do any better at the moment!
I loved Harry's sudden realization that he didn't want to be stronger than Snape. He very much wants and needs Snape to be all-powerful and don't all children really to believe that is true of a parent they love and respect? I found that very telling of how dramatically Harry's feelings about Snape have changed.
The girls teasing thing was a hoot!
Maybe Harry can fool Ron, but I don't know how long he can hope to really keep this up with Hermione. Speaking of keeping secrets, it'll be interesting to see how long he can keep things from Snape too! Loved it hon! Tracy
Very nice! This was a fun chapter :D I was confused by Harry casting "Alohamora" when it didn't really partain to the scene, however, it was all very amusing. Lol. I loved the part about Snape teasing him about girls. That was awesome. He has now found another weak spot of Harry's. Good for him!
Title: Chapter 4 - Our Hero
| 18 Jul 2007 1:26 pm
Reviewer: lilseverus100 (Anonymous)
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Harry should tell Severus about Saturday... Well good DA meetings might start again...
Can't wait for the next chapter and Hagrid and the lesson with Moretta....
You're back!!! This was a REALLY great chapter! I love your writing style. As a reader, it's addicting. I also like how Snape has kept his sarcastic, stern personality even though he and Harry have become close. The scene in DADA class was great, as well as Snape and Harry's conversation about girls. Hilarious.
Thanks for taking the time out to treat us to another wonderful chapter even though you are so busy with Grad school :) I seriously can't wait for more!!
Title: Chapter 4 - Our Hero
| 18 Jul 2007 3:46 am
Reviewer: Jan_AQ (Signed)
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Great chapter! i loved the ice fight.
“Well, we don’t want that,” Snape said. “But I have a nice thick potion that will ward off any cold. I think a extra large dose before breakfast will be just the thing for our young hero.”
Muah ha ha! Snape is just awesome as always. I love his snide comments.
“Congratulation, Mr. Potter,” Snape’s voice said above his head. “You’ve managed to blind us all. Next time, perhaps you will give your cast a bit less temper and more control.”
HAHAHA! Oh no, that was great! Harry was pretty funny too, but Snape takes the cake!
You might want to go back and edit some typos. There were many.
“I can class,” Hermione reminded them.
Title: Chapter 4 - Our Hero
| 18 Jul 2007 3:33 am
Reviewer: Delaine (Anonymous)
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Thought I would review you in both places just to let you know how much I've missed you fic and encourage you despite the presures of grad school. I think you meant Wingardium Leviosa for the tub floating spell. Alohomora is the unlock spell. Thanks again for an enjoyable update.