Title: Chapter 1 - Back to School
| 03 Apr 2007 12:09 am
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous)
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Awesome start.. and another cliffhanger!! I can't wait even more!!!
Update soon!!
Title: Chapter 1 - Back to School
| 02 Apr 2007 11:28 pm
Reviewer: spuddy (Anonymous)
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wow that was such a nice surprise to tr on my computor and find a sequal waiting for me!!! i loved it!! poor harry looking for snape but trying not to say anything to his friesnds!!! i wonder how he is going to tell them about his summer and how will snape treat harry in class this year??? so many questions i will be waiting by the computor for the next installment
Title: Chapter 1 - Back to School
| 02 Apr 2007 11:05 pm
Reviewer: youngwriders (Anonymous)
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Great chapter. I'm so glad you are continuing your story so soon. As much as I love seeing Harry get it, I really enjoyed the new more mature Harry. It was really sweet that he didn't want to fool around with the snitch for fear of disappointing Snape. I also didn't miss that Harry was exahausted at bedtime now that he has gotten used to getting a decent night's sleep. I'm interested to find out about the new characters and loved the short bit with Draco. Good job all around. You are doing a great job.
Title: Chapter 1 - Back to School
| 02 Apr 2007 7:39 pm
Reviewer: Tracy (Anonymous)
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I'm very excited that you decided to continue this story! I also know that I am hardly alone in feeling that way! LOL! I have to say, I am most curious about the new characters you've added and look forward to seeing how you develope them.
Yes! A sequel! I wasn't too sure you would do one, but I get the feeling this is going to be great!
hello and thanks for starting the sequel to one of my most favorite stories! I'm looking forward to the interaction between Harry and Snape ;-). Please don't let us wait too long for the next chapter :-)
Title: Chapter 1 - Back to School
| 02 Apr 2007 6:53 pm
Reviewer: Polaris (Signed)
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You're evil! No Snape the whole chapter. Oh well you certainly sucked me in. Looking forward to the next chapter.
EEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Okay, I just thought I'd get that out. So excited to read this! Great opening chapter.
Title: Chapter 1 - Back to School
| 02 Apr 2007 4:15 pm
Reviewer: Syllva (Signed)
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Thank you sooooo much for continuing your wonderful story! I can't wait for the next chapter so please don't make us wait too long! XD