Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Chapter 19 - Dizzy 11 Apr 2009 10:31 pm
Reviewer: FawkesSong (Signed) [Report This]
    I had to pinch myself when I saw you updated, 'cause I love this story so much. There is such a casual ease to each section in the chapter. Little peaks into Harry's day-to-day life that are so real and smart and unforced. I love your writing.
    I look forward to the next chapter. you even got me into a Christmas spirit, and it's Easter tomorrow! I wonder how Harry did with his grades. Hopefully no Trolls. ;-)
Title: Chapter 19 - Dizzy 11 Apr 2009 2:56 pm
Reviewer: Jan_AQ (Signed) [Report This]
    Just to let you know, I fixed the technical problem between chapters 18 and 19 - I had deleted and readded chapter 19 to see if i could fix the chapter update problem - no luck and it ordered the new chapter 19 as 20. I went into the database and fixed it for you. So now it should work properly. :)
Title: Chapter 19 - Dizzy 11 Apr 2009 10:56 am
Reviewer: Jade_Sullivan (Signed) [Report This]
    Glad to see you posting again, Perry. :-) Thanks for sharing this chapter with us.

    First of all, it was really nice to read your style of writing again. You have a unique way of writing dialogue and actions, especially when it comes to male characters, and I totally enjoy being immersed into the Perry Universes ;-)

    Snape, at first, frustrated me in this chapter. He's consistent in the way he handles Harry, yet he isn't at the same time. He shouldn't threaten Harry to make him study well, but I don't think that you, as an author, necessarily agree with his actions. I can, however, see Snape making that threat and then not following through. Snape isn't a perfect parent, and he is going to make stupid decisions. The ideal option would be for Snape to somehow encourage Harry to get perfect marks by giving him an incentive...like earning something Quidditch-ish. But perhaps Snape will realize that later. And even if he doesn't, hey, he's Snape. He's the authority and he wants Harry to know that.

    Secondly, if Harry decides to sneak out, I think it'll make his earlier punishments meaningless. He'll have learned nothing. And Snape's use of spanking as a punishment is worthless. All it means is that Harry considers having a sore butt for a day acceptable consequences for a bit of fun. A lot of kids think like that. On the other hand, I can see him going through with it and feeling guilty--maybe even turning himself in or coming back on his own accord. There comes a time when Harry has to learn how to make smart decisions on his own. And at this point, he still acts childish (even though I smiled all the way through reading the scene where Harry was dodging Snape and Snape was chasing Harry all around the room).

    That said, I think this is the defining moment of the series. If Harry disobeys at this point, then he has learned nothing, and that's very disappointing. But if he does obey, or at least deeply regret his actions, then he and Snape have made progress. Harry's only 16 and he'll make mistakes, but I really hope he uses his head this time.

    Again, it was wonderful to read another chapter to this story. I've really missed your writing. Keep at it as often as you can :-) I hope real life isn't kicking your arse like it was a few months ago.

    It is, isn't it... LOL.

Title: Chapter 19 - Dizzy 11 Apr 2009 10:11 am
Reviewer: crazychick84 (Signed) [Report This]
    Oooh I would love to see what Severus would do to Harry if he did sneak out! I love how Draco is encouaging him though...its not his bum thats on the line lol I really really hope you can update again asap, I love this story : )
Title: Chapter 19 - Dizzy 11 Apr 2009 9:42 am
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    OOh, I can't believe Harry is actually considering disobeying Snape in this! Yikes, he'd better watch his butt...literally!
    Glad to see you back!
    Update soon please.
Title: Chapter 19 - Dizzy 11 Apr 2009 3:52 am
Reviewer: kella (Anonymous) [Report This]
    well since u are making it a Harry/Luna ship can u at least make it a draco/Ginny ship??? I mean if she's not with harry she a least deserves Malfoy
    itd be a cute contrast thing
Title: Chapter 19 - Dizzy 11 Apr 2009 3:49 am
Reviewer: Missy (Anonymous) [Report This]
    First off
    *YAY* u finally updated
    oh no!!! harry's going to reckless and leave
    and snape, oh dear snape's going to have him isnt he?
    please dont take FOREVER TO update again!
Title: Chapter 19 - Dizzy 11 Apr 2009 1:05 am
Reviewer: clauclauclaudia (Signed) [Report This]
    I sense great trouble in Harry's immediate future.

    (There's a technical problem, a blank chapter between 18 and 19. Try to get to the new chapter by hitting Next from 18 and you'll see what I mean.)
Title: Chapter 19 - Dizzy 11 Apr 2009 12:34 am
Reviewer: snapes lover (Anonymous) [Report This]
    OMG u finally updated u must be very busy but it was worth it if its not to much trouble can u like make this one in at least a week or soo cuzz i really dont feeel like waiting freakin years but i love this story its amazing luv ye
Title: Chapter 19 - Dizzy 11 Apr 2009 12:13 am
Reviewer: Jan_AQ (Signed) [Report This]
    muah hahaha! He's so going to go! It's his friends! It's what they do for a celebration! Maybe Snape will take him. Well, maybe not.

    I loved how Draco and Harry are treating Worty like a little brother. Really good job with them and their dialogue. Hooray! you really have the boys down. I loved that Ron grew up a bit and knows how to compliment Hermione. Fantastic! :) I smiled too.

    Thanks so much for the update! I have missed them!

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