Lovely. I love Snape's thirst and how it dissipates, and his inner monologue too.
Author's Response: Thanks muchly for the review - I read your bio and read that you were living in denial of book six. Oh, don't worry. I don't think he's evil either. I do have suspicions that he'll die in the next book, though, after Harry figures out his innocence =/ Eep.
Wow. That was really something! I like how you took a regular scene from the book and changed it to fit your own style and story. I think you portrayed Snape accurately too, which I know a lot of people find increasily difficult as they attempt to hold together a realistic portrayal of the two (he and Harry, I mean). I was disappointed to see that this is a one-shot and that it won't be continued, though I do think you left it at a satisfactory ending place.
Good job!
Author's Response: Thank you! I think playing with canon scenes in the books is the funnest HP-related thing to write about, for me. Because it's all there; you just let it...flow according to your will =)
wow, a great story - thanks for sharing it with us! But... why does it end here? Please think about either making it longer or writing a sequel, will you? I really love the interactions of Harry and Snape in this story (chapter...?!) :-)
Author's Response: Ahaha. Thanks so much for the appreciation ^^ I don't think there will be a continuation, however. I'm rather partial to how it ends. But who knows?! I am an unpredictable one.
Title: Dual Ties
| 17 Apr 2007 10:07 am
Reviewer: akblake (Anonymous)
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Aww, I love how Snape is helpful but still keeps his 'snarky bastard' image! I'm really hoping that there will be a longer sequel???
Author's Response: LOL, that's cute. Snarky bastard image. Err, probably not. As I said about the review above. Heh. <3
Title: Dual Ties
| 17 Apr 2007 3:53 am
Reviewer: Harriverse (Anonymous)
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Awesome!!! A delicate portrait of an incredible moment. Very well handled. Too bad it was a one-shot.
Author's Response: That's a poetic way of putting it =) I always thought my writing was kinda delicate, too, or the way I put it together and whatnot. And... one-shots are glorious! xD
Well done. However, I would like to know what happens next! This is very well-written, and I really would like to see Harry never having to return and the Dursleys punished...
Author's Response: Pfft, that would be fun. I am a bit the sadistic type.
Title: Dual Ties
| 17 Apr 2007 1:38 am
Reviewer: curlybean (Anonymous)
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Nice story. Have you thought of going on with it? I would love to find out how Snape and Harry interact after all of this.
Author's Response: I would too =) Let's write a petition for an AU version for JK to write! ... Wouldn't that be something...