I love it is snape going to find out that Shaun Petersen is harry potter or is he going to stay in the dark for awhile
I love this story! I'll be anxiously awaiting updates, for sure. You not only have a good idea but you write well. Unfortunately that's an all too uncommon combination. Write quickly, this could be fun!
Title: Chapter 3
| 12 May 2007 2:14 pm
Reviewer: Laura (Anonymous)
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Oooh, this is nice. Do they actually start a relationship somewhere in here? ;)
Title: Chapter 1
| 09 May 2007 8:01 pm
Reviewer: Still me (Anonymous)
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Interesting. I love Snape's solution to his 'problem'. I'm not sure why you're going through the bother of his 'trying out' three boys though. And despite the movies I don't believe any orphanage would 'lend out' children no matter how rich someone was. (Maybe for photo ops but even that would be strictly supervised and wouldn't take days.) Snape should have just walked into a muggle orphanage picked the mangiest looking brat (Maybe a quiet one hiding in the corner because he'd be easier to manage.) and performed some sort of magic to have appear as if the child was adopted into a good home and walked out with him. But this a slightly different approach and I like that. I'll be reading to see how it goes.
Title: Chapter 3
| 08 May 2007 5:18 pm
Reviewer: MorwenIsilwen (Anonymous)
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Ooooooh! Keep going! This is great!
I love the way you are portraying 'Shaun' (which by the way is a great name for him), although Severus seems a little too patient...having to choose maybe?
Excellent chapter! Please update again soon!
Yay magic!
I'm just appalled at the thought of Snape taking care of three boys. Haha, wow! Either they will be terrible to him, or he'll be terrible to them! I think it's end up being both though. :) Serves him right. Nice story so far! Great premise.
I really liked how you opened this chapter, and the whole story. This is just a powerful statement:
"Severus Snape swept through the corridors of Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The students unlucky enough to find themselves in his way were ruthlessly pushed aside with biting comments and a severe loss of points." Full of action and description! I love it.
Whooo! Great chapter. :) I liked the dynamic you have with the other boys around, but I wish that you would do more with them. They will only be around for a short time, if my guess is correct. :) I liked the haircut scene and idea. I was a little surprised that Snape just took the scars explanation at face value and didn't seem curious about them. But maybe he just doesn't care. *sigh*
Thanks for sharing!