Title: Chapter 11 The Darkest Day of the Year
| 25 May 2008 2:32 pm
Reviewer: b_e_skrewt (Signed)
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awww.... i (heart) the mush :)
Title: Chapter 11 The Darkest Day of the Year
| 23 May 2008 5:45 pm
Reviewer: kreacher (Signed)
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great chapter, good plan by snape to stall voldemort somewhat, just glad he got away with it for now and dumbledore was great at comforting harry after his nightmare
Title: Chapter 11 The Darkest Day of the Year
| 23 May 2008 4:52 pm
Reviewer: snarky Beth (Signed)
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Sheesh, seems like every time I read about Voldemort, I want to deck that sick bastard even further into next week. I hate that creep! For someone whom claims to not well with writing dark scenes, I think you did a good job. I hope Sev has a plan on how to foil Voldemort, should Harry get captured.
I loved the reunited scene, it was too cute! Harry loves his 'Nape, and he loves Harry ^^.
I'll be waiting for your next chapter!
Title: Chapter 11 The Darkest Day of the Year
| 23 May 2008 9:05 am
Reviewer: sunsethill (Signed)
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Unfortunately, we were needing this chapter for this to feel realistic at all in the HP world. And you used it to good effect to show how Severus plans to deal with Voldemort and how much Harry means to him at this point. So see, you managed to get mush into even the chapter about the scary man. ;-)
Author's Response: Yes *sigh* it couldn't really be HP without the scary man, could it? No matter how much we enjoy the fun, cute, sweet stuff there is always that shadow in the background. But it's dealt with for now, so back to the good stuff! :D And yes, Severus has plans of course, and he really does care a great deal for Harry. Dare I say the l word? And yep, had to get mush in there somewhere. :D Glad that you enjoyed the chapter and thanks so much for reading and reviewing.
Great chapter. I think you did a good job on being evil. I loved the reunion of Harry and Severus and at the end Severus' vow to keep Harry safe from the "scary man". That was priceless.
Author's Response: Yay, so I can be evil. Oh wait...is that a good thing? lol Anyway, thank you so much for your kind review. I'm glad that you enjoyed the chapter and I hope to have more done relatively soon. I so enjoy writing Snape and Harry interactions so I'm glad that you liked my ending mush. :) Thanks again for reading and reviewing!
That was so cute, so loving this story. I love the baby talk.
Author's Response: Thank you! I'm glad that you are enjoying the story. It's a fun one to write. :)
Title: Chapter 11 The Darkest Day of the Year
| 22 May 2008 11:16 pm
Reviewer: lyra (Signed)
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So glad you updated. I'm a sucked for the Wee!Harry fics.
Author's Response: Thank you for reading and reviewing and I'm glad that you enjoyed the update. I have to admit, I've become a sucker for kid fics as well...be it Harry or Sev who is the cute little bundle of trouble. :)
Even though the first half was dark and scary for poor Harry, it turned out to be cute and fluffy in the end, love the way that Harry clung to Severus like there was no tomorrow when he came back. It'll be very intresting to see how the rest of this is now going to play out. Keep up the awesome awesome work and please please update again soon. Really need more 'Nape and Harry. :O) LES
Author's Response: Yep, I just couldn't keep it dark. Our boys needed a bit of fluff. :) I'm glad that you enjoyed this bit and I hope to have more up pretty soon now that summer is here. 'Nape and Harry will have more time to play. :D
Title: Chapter 11 The Darkest Day of the Year
| 22 May 2008 9:23 pm
Reviewer: CeeCeeMee (Signed)
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I love 'Nape. I almost dread Harry growing older for fear of him losing his absolute love and trust of him.
Author's Response: What's not to love about 'Nape. :) There are some tough times to come for sure, but there might be a few surprises along the way as Harry is re-aged too. Thank you for reading and reviewing and I'm glad you are enjoying the story.
Title: Chapter 10 Deck the Halls
| 21 May 2008 4:05 pm
Reviewer: spedwouthermedz (Anonymous)
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AWWW THS IS SO CUTE!! im going to be so sad when is aged :(
Author's Response: Thank you! I'm glad that you like the story. :) Well, he won't age all at once, because I just couldn't bear to give up little Harry totally, lol. He and Snape will have pleny of more adventures. :D Thanks for reading and reviewing.