Title: Chapter 1
| 02 Jul 2007 12:27 pm
Reviewer: lancer (Anonymous)
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I don't make a habit of reviewing fanfic. Of the hundreds, perhaps thousands, of stories I've read, I written perhaps ten reviews. In my estimation, a story has to be of exceptional quality to warrent a review. Sticks and Stones is such a literary work. I began reading yesterday, finished the six chapters on this site, tracked the story down on FanFic, and fell asleep around 2:00 am reading the last chapter (which I finished this moring). I was bought to tears on two occasions by the power of your words describing Snape's inner tormoil and torment. Few works of fiction have brought me to tears. Rohling has only achieved that once -- when I thought Hedwig was the going to be killed in OoP. Sirius' death moved me not at all and it should have -- PoA is my favorite book. Thank you for writing Sticks and Stones. It is a remarkable achievement which explores how deeply words and labels can affect us all -- especially those words heard and internalized in childhood. And, thank you, for touching the core of a cynical old woman.
I have the awful feeling that I've read this fic before... and that it has a sad ending....
Title: Chapter 8
| 01 Jul 2007 10:05 pm
Reviewer: midnight rain (Anonymous)
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NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Don't end it there!!!! Such a mean cliffy!!!!! Please update soon!!!!!!!
Wow. Very powerful. Huge cliffhanger too. Now what should we expect? How long will you make us wait? I'm suffering here!
What?!? He can't be dead so did he just black out or what? Pretty plesae update soon!!!
Ahhhh...No! Don't stop here!! My heart is pounding right now. God, this story is bloody brilliant; I love it!! Thank you for updating so quickly :)
Brilliant! This story is so good on so many levels. I can't wait for the next chapter!
Title: Chapter 7
| 28 Jun 2007 1:46 am
Reviewer: Kim (Anonymous)
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Poor Snape. Underneath it all he's just human like the rest of us. He really does have a heavy load and your chapter shows that very well. Good chapter!
Title: Chapter 7
| 27 Jun 2007 10:44 pm
Reviewer: midnight rain (Anonymous)
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Poor Sev! Hope you can update soon!!!!! ^_^
Please try to make it longer too!
Cool chapter! I like how Snape showed a weakness, if you could call it that, just becuase he was sick. Even he can't be perfect! Keep up the good work!