According to canon, Lucius is actually a lot older than Snape and the Marauders; but a lot of people write him in their year for some reason.
Oh, well...
I'm fascinated by your Severus. When this story started off, I couldn't help but feel that he was a bit too victimized for me to see him as a well-rounded character; and early on, when you were "feeling out" your version of him, you mentioned in the same paragraph that his position is Dumbledore's fault *and* that it isn't.
Nevertheless, the more you write this story, the more I come to like your Severus and see him as a very unique incarnation of JK's Snape. I like the fact that he's brilliant and distractable in this scene, and that McGonagall teases him relentlessly. His account of testing for his Masters was very sweet and quirky. And Severus's attitude in general doesn't seem to be following any of the fanfiction conventions and cliches - your Severus really is a nasty piece of work, when viewed in a certain way; and yet he's also fascinating, someone worth knowing, at the same time. It seems that his attitudes change according to the situation, but not in completely predictable ways.
Also, your one line about Ron caught me: when Ron snorts in derision but Harry can tell he's really thinking and planning. This is more credit than people usually give Ron, so I appreciated it.
Title: Chapter 6
| 26 Jun 2007 10:20 pm
Reviewer: Kim (Anonymous)
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That was a very powerful chapter. It does sort of stun you to think of all the people we know of from the years that Harry's parents went to school. Maybe they all weren't in the same year but if they were, the yearbook would definately be an interesting read. Great job!
Good chapter! I'm glad you explained why Sirius was walking around Hogwarts in earlier chapters. I was under the impression that he was still a convict then but thats all cleared up now. Hope you can update again soon! :)
Good chapter! Very interesting... I love the yearbook and all of the photograph descriptions. I could picture everything so clearly.
Oh, and poor Neville :( I just wanted to hug him.
Title: Chapter 6
| 25 Jun 2007 2:42 pm
Reviewer: midnight rain (Anonymous)
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| was interesting. Wow.... Hope you can update soon!!!! ^.^
Title: Chapter 5
| 24 Jun 2007 11:25 pm
Reviewer: midnight rain (Anonymous)
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That was awesome! Snape was sooo OOC and it was soooo awesome!!! Hope you can update soon!!!!
Very interesting chapter! I liked how Seamus managed to turn his drink into rum finally. :)
I'm hooked on this story. I spent half of my lunch break reading this chapter :) Excellent work!
That was a great chapter! I loved that carriage ride and the toy puzzle and the potion talk and, well, just all of it. Amazing work you did on this one!